puro 956


Hi everyone!  I love being a missionary. 
I know that Jesus Christ lives. I know that He is our Savior. I am grateful for the church He established and the doctrine He left us. I testify that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God to restore the fulness of truth to the earth. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and the witness of Christ that it contains. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that as we immerse ourselves into daily scripture study and earnest prayer that we will become more holy. I know that the purpose of life is for us to prepare to meet God - that is why it is so important to repent each day. I know my Heavenly Father loves me. I love Him. 
I remember when I left the airport in SLC 2 years ago that my dad said "You might not want to hear this but... it will be even harder when it's time for you to come home." At that time I was slightly bothered by the statement and thought to myself "my dad... what a crazy guy."
Now I know that he was actually right. I am incredibly sad to leave my home in South TX. I love it here and I have a family here. Everything about my mission fills me with joy. 
I will be speaking this upcoming Sunday at my home congregation. I would love to see you all there. Come to my house after and say what's up.
1589 E Gentile St, Layton, UT 84040
meeting begins at 9:00AM
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
Be a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Elder Stringham



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