Happy life

 Buenas tardes 

Such a good week. Puro 956
- We met so many dogs this week. Some are pictured below. Also, the weather has been super nice! Just chilling around 90 all week. (Yes I know that sounds warm but you would be surprised how wonderful it is) We also asked so many people for water while we were out working but literally everyone in the whole city would respond by asking us if we wanted a coke. Nobody has water but everyone has cans of coke. Yum. 
- This week in Hidalgo zone we had apartment checks and I continue forward with my title of TMM apartment cleanliness king. I promise you that the spirit dwells with you more as you keep your living space clean and organized.
- This week I went on one exchange with an Elder in my zone. I got to work in my area with Elder Foltz! We actually had already been on an exchange together when I was serving up in Corpus so it was fun to do another exchange with him. We taught an AMAZING lesson to our friend Carmen where she accepted an invitation to be baptized and we were able to talk with a lot of new people. I loved learning from Elder Foltz the importance of taking missionary skills and applying them into life skills. He is a very mature missionary which I really love about him! 
- This week we have been TEACHING SO MUCH! I love teaching others about the restoration and the gospel of Jesus Christ! We had so many cool lessons where we were able to use questions and find out what people's desires and needs were! There are so many amazing people in this area and how cool is it that I get to enter into their homes and share the restored gospel with them?!?
- Earlier in my email I mentioned my good friend Carmen. She is amazing and so prepared for the gospel! We continued to teach her until Friday when we found out that she actually lives outside of our teaching area. The home we had been visiting for our lessons is her son's home and she is only there during the day to tend her nieto. So it was super sad because we had to introduce her to the elders in the other ward. We are still super happy for her though because on Sunday she was able to go to church with the other elders and meet a ton of members in their ward. They said she had a wonderful experience and is still working towards her goal of being baptized!
- Last night my companion and I saw SO MANY MIRACLES. After church we made some visits to a few of our friends and also visited some former investigators or people who had recently spoken with the missionaries. We found 3 new friends who all accepted an invitation to be baptized! This coming week we will be returning and helping them understand what steps will be necessary for them to be ready to make covenants with Heavenly Father. It was such a cool night because we were focused on teaching the doctrine of Jesus Christ and connecting it to the baptismal covenant! It was amazing to see how prepared people have been to receive the gospel!!!
This week we will have General Conference!
General Conference is an amazing opportunity for us to learn from living servants of God. That is amazing.
Make sure that you take time to prepare for conference by writing a question and that you sit down and let the spirit teach you this weekend.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
Be a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Elder Stringham 


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