el diablo nunca duerme


Corpus is a good place 
- This week we only had one exchange! I went with Elder Gardiner who is a new missionary on his first transfer and I showed him around Corpus. We had a good day together! Sister Larreal had left some things in the fridge at the church after zone conference and asked us to pick them up for her. When we showed up, it was just bottles and bottles of whipped cream, hahaha. That was awesome. As I worked with Elder Gardiner I loved reflecting on how much being a missionary has taught me and how much I have grown. This is just the best thing ever.
- Felipe is such a beast. Easily one of my top 10 favorite people ever. Something I have come across often as a missionary is meeting inactive members and helping them return to church and rebuild their testimony. Teaching Felipe has brought me SO much joy. He is glowing as he rediscovers his testimony and has been returning to sacrament meeting. 
- While we were biking this week we met a lady who told us "El diablo nunca duerme." Elder Rhineer added "pero con Cristo siempre ganarás." Amen.
- Had to make a few trips to urgent care for my dear companion this week but he is doing much better now. Bendiciones.
- The highlight of the week was definitely zone conference. The major focus of this zone conference was boldness and charity. My companion and I were asked to prepare and give a training on helping our friends come to sacrament meeting. I loved doing that! The major highlight of zone conference was getting to see 2 of my best friends in the mission. Elder Wankier and Elder Brewer came to zone conference on Corpus Christi and it was such a happy day getting to catch up with them. I am so grateful for the TMM. I have truly met the most amazing people ever here!
- We are teaching the most amazing lady ever named Patty. She has such a strong ability to feel the spirit and wants to follow the Savior. We had some good lessons with her this week and brought the members with us. It was cool to watch the members take the lead in helping her feel loved and comfortable so that she can join us for church! Patty has some health challenges that she is struggling with so keep her in your prayers.
- Ruben = homie. We love Ruben. We made plans with him this week to go to the temple open house in McAllen with him and our other friend Felipe. So that is gonna be the best day ever. I can't wait to see the temple! Ruben also came to church and loved it. During the second hour he stood up to introduce himself and shared how blessed he felt to be learning at the church and meeting with the Elders. He invited us to come to a cookout with his family so stay tuned. Being a missionary is the best because you get to meet so many amazing people. 
- Alicia is also planning on taking a trip with us to see the temple open house! Miracles are coming for her.
"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory." - 1 Nephi 14:14
Our covenants give us power. They are the biggest blessings available to us. I am so grateful for the chance to help others make covenants of their own!
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
Be a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Elder Stringham


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