we are mojados

 Q onda?!?

Happiest week ever 
- It rained so much this week which was probably the only part of the week that made me unhappy. We kept working but got super wet every single day. It is still raining and the forecast shows that it will continue.
- Other highlights of the week include: eating sopes at a member's home, being with 2 of the best companions ever, getting to wish my mom a happy birthday and meeting with the Stake President to coordinate the missionary efforts. Such a good week.
- ZONE CONFERENCE. We got to give a training to the missionaries in attendance on the importance of goal setting and planning. Hay poder en fijar metas. There was such a powerful spirit present while Presidente Larreal taught us this week at zone conference. I love being a missionary. I love my savior Jesus Christ!
- We are blessed to be teaching many people who are interested in learning about the gospel! Gloria is one of those people. She has so many good questions for us. When a friend has questions for a missionary it is like a kid in a candy store, we just can't decide which question we want to answer first. Gloria is amazing and her family is being a great support! We even got to see her at church again this weekend!
- Camila is progressing well and will be making baptismal covenants this upcoming Saturday! We are so happy for her. It has been such a joy to teach Camila and feel the spirit present in her home as we teach each lesson. We are looking forward to helping her get to the temple shortly after her baptismal service!
- The Lord is preparing this land! Our friend Juan is incredibly prepared for his upcoming baptism. He has been a great example of faith in Jesus Christ and humility. He readily accepts any commitment and gospel teaching we present to him. This week we were blessed to bring members with us to each of his lessons, see him at church, have him attend an additional class supported by the church called "Hallar Fortaleza en el Señor" and help him complete all the pre-baptism requirements. You know he is a real homie because he actually knows how to pronounce my name and the names of both of my companions. 
"In contrast to the institutions of the world, which teach us to know something, the gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something."
- Elder Dallin H. Oaks
What will you become this week? 
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
Be a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Elder Stringham 


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