

I am happy 
- We had transfers this week and BEST NEWS EVER... I am training a new missionary this transfer. Ever better news - E. Preece and I are still companions in the same amazing area with all the same responsibilities as before. Our new companion is named Elder Thom and comes to us from Arizona. He worked super hard in the CCM and is doing fantastic already. It is going to be an amazing transfer. I feel blessed to have not just 1 but 2 fantastic companions. Today E. Thom said to me "I knew the mission was going to be lit, but I didn't know it was going to be this lit!" Haha he is awesome and I can't wait to watch him grow as a missionary. 
- We had a dinner appointment right before transfers that had some special guests. Hermana Moreno told us she had invited some of her amigos and then when the door was opened... Presidente and Hermana Larreal came in. It was really fun to spend time with them! It was easily one of the top 5 best meal appointments I have attended during my time as a missionary. I am very grateful I got to be there with so many people I love! (We also had another meal appointment where we ate some liver and I'm not trying to be dramatic but that was the worst meal ever)
- Earlier in the week I ran into my friend José Luis from the McAllen 1st ward. He was among the first members that I met when I arrived. It has been awhile since I served in his ward so I was honestly a little nervous he wouldn't recognize me. Thankfully he did remember me and we were able to talk for a little bit! It was super fun to see him and catch up a little bit. Such a nice guy with a bright spirit. One of the biggest blessings of being a missionary is meeting inspiring people like him.
- Hidalgo zone is doing so well! Miracles are being seen every day. 
- It has been incredible to see the demand for temple ordinances this week! Members of our congregation are finally getting the opportunity to make further covenants with their Heavenly Father, get sealed to their spouses and enter the house of the Lord for the first time!!!! This land is being gratefully blessed. To give you a small idea of the needs that this temple is filling - after being in operation for just one week they have scheduled more than 450 sealings for the coming weeks. ISN'T THAT INCREDIBLE. This temple is blessing lives and will continue to do so. I love this part of the world 
- We had some amazing lessons this week. With the help of the members here I was blessed to participate in many spiritual experiences. One such example was with a family we are teaching. We began the lesson by discussing covenants. It was a good lesson, but what was incredible was when the member we had brought started sharing her personal testimony and thoughts on the importance of the gospel in her life. The entire mood of the lesson shifted... it felt as if we, as a group, had been elevated to a holier environment. As she shared her heartfelt beliefs with our friends we all were able to feel the spirit confirming the truths she was sharing and we all knew that our Heavenly Father loved us. What an amazing opportunity it is to share that spiritual power with others. I urge you to find opportunities to share your experiences and your testimonies.
Elder Uchtdorf teaches...
"Patience means active waiting and enduring. It means staying with something and doing all that we can—working, hoping, and exercising faith; bearing hardship with fortitude, even when the desires of our hearts are delayed. Patience is not simply enduring; it is enduring well!”
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
Be a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Elder String 
(one of my friends we are teaching can't pronounce my whole name so he just calls me this) 


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