
 Buenas tardes!

A historic week in McAllen TX
- In preparation for the dedication of the temple a large group of missionaries were asked to come to the temple on Wednesday morning and help prepare the grounds. We spent the morning planting asiatic Jasmine (I doubt that many of you know what that is... but that is what we did, hahaha.) It was wonderful to start the morning on the grounds of the house of the Lord. 
- Favorite dinner appointment of the week goes to la familia bonilla. We ate outside on their white lifetime table and we were blessed to be fed tamales and coke from the can. A 956 classic. These members are so funny and kept us all laughing throughout the whole meal. At the conclusion of dinner, Hermana Bonilla asked if we could all sing "el espíritu de Dios." You cannot say no to hna Bonilla so there we were singing himno number 2 in front of their apartment. Little things like this make me LOVE it here. Such amazing people with such strong faith and such humility before God. 
- We were also blessed to have MLC this week once again. Such a great time of working in council and receiving revelation. The Larreal family just keep impressing me and inspiring me more and more. It is a blessing to be serving in the TMM. I also got to see many of my good friends including both my companions from my time in Corpus Christi - Elder Avila and Elder Rhineer. 
- My friend Ruben Rios was baptized this weekend! Ruben is one of my friends from Corpus Christi that Elder Rhineer and I were teaching while I was serving there. He came to the McAllen temple open house with us as well. This week when I went to MLC I got to see Elder Rhineer and he said that after a few weeks of no contact with Ruben, that Ruben reached out to the elders and asked "if I was to get baptized... what would I have to do?" I am grateful for the technology that allowed me to be apart of his baptismal service and congratulate him afterwards. I love Ruben, and I am so happy he made the decision to be baptized.
- Also my amazing friend Carmen took the step to be baptized and confirmed this weekend. She is incredible. When asking her why she wanted to be baptized her response was "quiero hacer un convenio" she was super mega prepared to receive the message of the restored gospel. She had many family members come to support her at her baptismal service and witness her make her first covenant with God! The Heavens were rejoicing!
- The most amazing part of this week was being able to attend the dedicatory session of the McAllen Texas Temple. This temple is going to be such a huge blessing for the good people of the RGV. Elder Uchtdorf came to our mission to dedicate the temple and even began his small speech in his very limited Spanish. It was a great expression of love for the people here and their culture. My favorite picture that the Church News released is one of Elder Uchtdorf walking the streets of Hidalgo. I feel so blessed to have been assigned to serve in this part of the world. I wish I could adequately describe the joy we all felt as we shouted Hosanna at the conclusion of the dedicatory session. I know God is so aware of all His children and I know there is a great need for the temple here! 
"wherefore, we were blessed in abundance."
- 1 Nephi 18:24
This is how I feel! We are being blessed with so much. During the dedication, each speaker spoke of how long awaited this temple has been. What a blessing that it is finally open! 
Another idea I loved from the dedication is when Elder Uchtdorf said that although he has a very limited Spanish vocabulary - he knows that the most important language being used in the temple is that of the spirit. The spirit is a universal language and as we learn to understand it... our ability to serve God and lift others will be increased.
I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me in abundance. I am grateful to have been learning to understand the language of the spirit. I am grateful for my savior Jesus Christ!
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
Be a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Elder Stringham


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