keep your EYES on the PRIZE

 Hello friends!

I hope you're all doing well and that you will send me some pictures from your life!
- Corpus Christi has been good! It is definitely different than the RGV and I feel like I am in a new mission but I am happy here. God has definitely prepared His children in this area and I love being a part of the great work of salvation. Also Corpus Christi is a beautiful place, I would recommend a visit.
- This week we had an awesome exchange with Elder Havea. He is such a cool guy and one of the most powerful missionaries I have met. He came to one of our meetings and told everyone that His rule #1 is to always smile! I loved that. This exchange led us to some good lessons and fun memories. I am looking forward to applying all the things I learned from Elder Havea this week.
- Presidente Larreal likes to party. April was a very good month for the TMM full of miracles and because of this... he wanted to celebrate. So Presidente Larreal announced a mission wide Summer conference! Very fun. We had a wonderful devotional and then it was followed by a BBQ and outdoor games. I got to see all my best friends from the mission. I will forever be grateful for the friendships I have made here in the TMM!
- Our friend Elijah totally surprised us and came to church this past Sunday! And BIG MIRACLES because when he showed up we found out he is actually friends with the Sister missionaries friend Steven! They work together!! God's hand is truly in all things. Elijah is a quirky fella who is pretty mellow so when he saw someone he was already familiar with... it made his church experience that much better!! 
- We have seen major growth in our friend Amanda this week. At the beginning of the week, she committed to read the Book of Mormon everyday this week and would send us daily updates about what she was learning and how her testimony was growing! She has 3 little boys that run around her home like wild animals so the lessons are always crazy - but she is determined to learn and to commit herself to Christ! This week she accepted a Baptismal Date for the end of the month and is excited to reach this goal.
- Last week I told you a bit about our friend Erasmo and he is still doing very well! He loves to learn and always has his questions prepared. My favorite Erasmo quote of the week is "you 2 aren't planning on changing soon right? I enjoy your company." He also accepted a goal baptismal date for the end of the month as well! Lots of miracles in Corpus Christi.
- In Sunday school the teacher asked us "How do you know that God exists?
This question helped me realize how truly all things testify of Christ. We all have talents and personalities that are our own. Our bodies are the most incredible creations. You can look up into a night sky and enjoy stars as far as your eyes can see. He blesses us with people and situations that we need to grow. The list goes on and on.
I am grateful that God has put me here in this time. He has given me a wonderful companion who has taught me much and continues to be a wonderful example and he has given me responsibilities that help me grow. God is so good and He truly is in the details.
How have you seen God's hand in your life this week?
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringham 


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