my meat wagon and Elder Nelson

 QUÉ ONDA!?!?!?

hype hype hype, I love being a missionary 
- This week we went to visit our newly Baptized friends Danielle and Nathan. First let me just say - they are awesome. More on them later but right now I want to tell you all about Danielle's 3 year old daughter named Aliyah. Aliyah was playing with her mom's phone while I sat and walked Danielle through the covenant path pamphlet we gave her. After a few minutes we looked over to see what Aliyah was doing and it was very good that we did. Aliyah had taken a photo of me and was 2 clicks away from sending it directly to Danielle's boss with no context. So funny, imagine this guy getting a random photo of a missionary from one of his employees. Would've been a good moment to share the gospel though.
- We did exchanges with the Elders in our district and I spent the day with Elder Nelson in my area. He is such a funny guy. We biked all day long and even got to ride through a little rain. We also spent a good amount of time getting everything ready for the Baptism! The highlight of the day was teaching Joe about missionary work and seeing him be hyped about it. I would 10/10 recommend a day of missionary work with Elder Nelson, he may be a little crazy but he lifts the spirits of all those around him. 
- This week held some amazing opportunities to serve those around us. On Friday, our entire district got to go volunteer at the food bank. This was wild you guys. A line of over 500 cars that had been camping out in their cars for over 24 hours. It was humbling to see so much need and fun to be involved in helping those of the RGV. We packed essential food into bags and gave out portions to so many families who are in need right now. At one point, I got assigned to the meat wagon. Which meant I walked down the line and gave everyone portions of ground beef. Super fun memories. Later in the week, all 6 of us got to paint a member's home for them as they prepare to move. This was very fun and made my OCD spike, but good times nonetheless.
- We have transfers this Tuesday and I will be moving to work in Corpus Christi. After living in north Mexico (the lovely RGV) for over a year it will definitely be an adjustment to be more north and have less Spanish and less tacos. My new companion is Elder Avila and I am SO hyped. Can't wait to see the ocean and meet those prepared for the restored gospel in Corpus. Good things are most definitely ahead.
- Alright so a little more on Danielle and Nathan. In short, they are doing amazing. We taught them about the restoration again this week and they could answer all of our questions! Nathan asked why we are called "Elders" and not "Brothers" which led to him expressing that he wants to be a missionary one day. How awesome would that be? Danielle has worked with her boss so that she will never have to work during church again! She is converted to Christ! Their home has a noticeable change to it. The spirit is there and they are filled with the light of the gospel. It has been such a pleasure teaching them and being a part of their lives. I will miss this family SO SO much.
- This week Joe got baptized and confirmed a member of Jesus Christ's church. You should have seen him right after his baptism. He was so happy and said that he felt "just amazing!" Joe will be a missionary. Watching him learn to live the gospel has been amazing. He truly has transformed right before my eyes and now he is a committed member of the Brownsville 1st Ward. We love Joe and we are so happy for him!
The last 6 weeks I have spent in Brownsville have been miracle filled. I love the people here and am sad to see my time here end so soon. I do feel honored that I was able to help some of my friends find Christ. I have truly seen the transformative power of the Atonement here in Brownsville. 
I know Jesus Christ lives and I know there is true power in His Atoning sacrifice. I know Heavenly Father has a perfect plan for each one of His children. And I know that the gospel brings true and lasting happiness.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringham 


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