febrero loco, marzo otro poco

 ¿Qué Onda?

Feeling so happy
- We have had so much fun asking all the members about their favorite Spanish dichos or sayings. I super enjoyed every single meal appointment I went to this week because as we started asking members about their favorite phrases we really got to know them and laugh with them. The phrase used in the subject line is one used commonly in the Spanish language about the weather they experience in February and March. Now I have a long list of quite comical phrases. If you're interested in hearing them just send me a message.
- E. Wankier is a beast. I am so happy to have him as my new companion. He works hard and wants to learn so much. It is always nice when you have a companion who wants to work hard AND have fun. It has been a very good week.
- Transfers were this week which meant I got to see so many of my TMM friends. That was definitely a highlight of the week. Sad to see the trio come to an end after just one week but I know more good things are ahead.
- Cool experience of the week. After feeling inspired to stop by a former investigator and knocking on the door with no success - we were about to leave the home when we saw a teenager walking down the street. We began talking with him and later found out that HE lived in the house we were at and not the friend we were originally looking for. He expressed a desire to grow closer to God and start attending church. At the end of the contact we offered a prayer with him and when we opened our eyes he had the biggest grin on his face. He told us that the world had so much color after the prayer and that he felt incredibly happy. PRAYER IS SO DANG POWERFUL. He is a cool guy and we look forward to teaching him again this week. 
- Member work here in Hidalgo is really starting to pick up. I am so so so happy with the improvements that have been made in missionary and member relationships in this ward. During fast and testimony meeting, multiple members shared their testimony of missionary work and the importance of it! This was a big win and a complete change from where we have been. Love. Share. Invite. It works miracles.
- We had some great opportunities to teach FAMILIES this week. Brought me SO much joy to sit inside others homes and share the restored gospel with them. We are hoping that this week we can help Armando and his family continue growing their faith. Also, we were finally able to get back in contact with Kevin and Amy and their family and teach them this week. Heavenly Father is definitely guiding us and blessing us with people who are open to receiving the restored gospel.
During church one of the young women in our ward got up and opened her mission call for the congregation. Listening to the words of the call written in Spanish made me reflect on my time as a missionary. I have learned a lot. I looked back on the day that I opened my mission call and I sat in awe. God is so good.
I will be the first to say I did not want to go on a mission while I was growing up. How grateful I am for the good influences who encouraged me to think and pray so that I could be here today. This is a great work. I am so happy to be a missionary.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringham


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