tried my first pre workout this week


Y'all this was the worst and best week of the mission so far. πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
- The mission President's wife asked us to create and film an advertisement specifically for the people of South TX. This week we got to spend some time planning for, filming and posting that video! It was fun to be apart of! Plus while we were at the park filming I got to practice some of my old flipping skills. (I still got it!  #bendiciones) Check out our Facebook pages to see the videos and while you're at it - do me a favor and like the pages! 
- Our mission has a practice teaching program we call "Senior Companion". The idea behind it is that once you are done you are ready to be a senior companion and it is over 5 hours worth of role plays (practice teaching) in Spanish and English. I have spent ALOT of time lately working with my Leaders to pass off these role plays and this week I finished my senior companion certification. Can't wait to get my fancy TMM pin!!!! 
- My mom sent me a vibey package to get me ready for spooky season. Check out the door decor we put up on our apartment, it is super sick. We put up all the decorations and enjoyed the rice Krispy treats that were included! #thanksGK❤️ 
- New profile picture this week thanks to Elder Ollie's photo skills.
- Elder Ollie has been wanting me to try his pre workout for the entire length of our time together. Finally I did, and MAN that was crazy. I was literally like hyperactive all morning. We planned so fast, I studied so well then we got out and talked to everyone! Elder Ollie said something like "Elder Stringham on pre workout is my favorite companion" hahaha so funny.
- Another transfer has come and gone. Elder Ollie will be leaving me to be a Zone Leader in Hidalgo which is so sick! Gonna miss him but very I am excited for this upcoming transfer. I get to stay here in Weslaco, stay on Tech Squad and MY NEW COMPANION IS ELDER STEEN!!!! You heard that right, the elite CCM companionship is getting reunited and we are going to find, teach and baptize! I am so very excited! Let's go! Shoutout to President Larreal and God for thinking we should be companions again!
- Our good friend Danii Boots is just awesome and brought her son with her to church this week! She is so enthusiastic about learning and literally loves church. Now, one hang up that we had with her is that we never got her address (I promise we asked multiple times but she always said she felt too uncomfortable with it). So we would always teach her in public spots or over technology. This Sunday she finally felt comfortable with giving us her address and inviting us over!! #WAHOO! But... I am so sad because she lives one street out of our area. So sad that we will have to pass her off this week.
- Elder Ollie and I were very dedicated this week to finding new people to teach and the Lord led us to a lot of families! There is a few new families we are teaching who are super awesome! The Lord has blessed us with a few miracle finds and I want to share one in particular. We went to an apartment complex to visit some of our other friends and NONE of them answered the door which was disappointing but then on the way out we heard a child calling for his mom from behind a door. We decided to knock that door, knowing a family lived there. A young girl answered and said "who are you?" we answered and then asked for her parents and she shut the door. A few minutes later a different girl opened the door and did the same thing. Finally a tiny boy opens the door and does the same thing for a 3rd time. We came to the conclusion that we might not be able to talk to the parents and started walking away. When we were almost to the car we heard a faint noise and turned around to see the entire family standing outside their apartment so we turned around. We go back and meet the nicest single mother and her 7 children. We talked to them about General Conference and how God still talks to his people, they were so excited! We have another appointment with them and they are planning on watching General Conference! This taught me to be patient and persistent with people. They might be ready but just need a little time to allow for that they are. Super cool family.
- This week, during dinner one night, Elder Ollie and I watched a video called "Who Moved My Cheese."
Now while it is a cheesy video (hehehe) it has some deep messages that really helped my outlook on missionary work and life. One of my favorite parts is when it talks about how life is going to keep changing and you have to adjust with it. The characters get stuck doing the same thing everyday looking for their cheese but are never are able to find it. One of the characters starts laughing and says "we keep doing the same thing and expecting different results." 
We must always be adapting and always working. If you are stuck in the past, you will never progress beyond who you used to be. Move forward, try new things and never stop looking for new cheese. πŸ§€ 
Send me a message if you want a link to this little video!
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Spoonie


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