President approves Taco Bell

 ¿Qué onda, mis amigos?

Espero que todos han tenido una buena semana. This week was literally wild. 
- For our exercise time on Tuesday morning we went on a bike ride to the McAllen temple with the YSA Sisters! (Even though we bike all day this was #lit because we didn't have to wear regular missionary clothes). It was super fun and we are so excited for this beautiful temple to open! It is easily the prettiest temple I have ever seen and you can't change my mind.
- We were going to have a lesson at the church with the Marsh family on Thursday. We invited some members who have kids to join us. One of these members was Sister Treviño who manages Crumbl cookies here in McAllen. She is SO NICE and brought us a box of cookies (they even has the cosmic brownie cookie so I was hyped). I totally forgot how good Crumbl is, MAN THEY ARE GOOD @em @lando we will be going next time I see you. She also told me I look like the founder of Crumbl. I guess his name is Sawyer and she thinks our resemblance is uncanny... but I also got told I look like an elf from D&D this week so who really knows.
- One of the best parts about my area is the proximity to the mission office. We have gotten really close to the senior missionaries and get to help them often. This week Sister Hyatt needed us to move boxes of Books of Mormon for her and Elder Griffiths needed us to move a washer for him and it was a blast.
- We got to teach our friend Andrea 2 times this week and she is so cool. Out of all the people I have taught on my mission, she has the best questions. She is so ready to learn and so open to studying. It has also been cool to help reactivate the Villanueva's testimonies by having them join us for each lesson and share their experiences with their friend! Super cool!
- Unfortunately the Marsh family got super sick this weekend and our teaching appointment on Thursday fell through and they weren't able to make it to church. They are still super cool and we did get to teach them once before they got sick! We left them with some Books of Mormon and a children's edition that the kids were super excited about! Keep praying for them because they could truly gain so much by accepting the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we want the opportunity to teach them! We are also super grateful for amazing ward members who have been by to check on them without us even asking, how awesome is that? (So awesome)
- We had an AMAZING Mission Wide Conference this week to say goodbye to the Ocampo Family. They are incredible. We will miss them but look forward to meeting our new mission President and his family THIS WEEK. An added bonus on the conference was getting to see my CCM distrito (minus a few who we missed a lot) and a bunch of other missionaries who have become my close friends in my time here. Also the Ocampo's gave a farewell devotional on Saturday night we got to attend as well. They spoke about grafting yourself to Christ and staying on the covenant path! Also, President Ocampo definitely stated that he likes Taco Bell which I thought was pretty cool. I love being a missionary!!
- Remember when I said this week was literally wild? Yeah, you are not ready for this. We go by to visit Gus on Monday night, teach a lit lesson, resolve some concerns and get him on date for July 9th to be baptized and make covenants with God!! (He was even wearing a "Team Jesus" shirt when we went over). Then we go by on Thursday for our next appointment and there is no answer,  so we call him... no answer. Finally we call Gus's mom, who is hard of hearing and only speaks Spanish so sometimes our conversations are a little rough, and she answers! We ask where Gus is and she says, with no emotion in her voice at all, "Gus se murio" or "Gus died." We were like ?!?! and after some more conversation came to the conclusion that she just meant her and Gus had to go to a funeral in Brownsville and we planned on seeing them on Sunday. Fast forward to Saturday when our Relief Society president calls us and informs us that her and her husband went to eat at the Country Omelette where Gus works. She said there was a large black ribbon on the door that said "RIP Gus" and so she asked the other employees and sure enough... Gus se murio. Tragically, on Tuesday night as Gus was walking home from work, he was hit with a car and has since passed away. We are grateful for the knowledge of the plan of salvation and look forward to when his temple work is completed for him. Pray for the Escobedo family, especially Gus's mom, Marilu.
In our farewell conference this week, the Ocampo's shared a story about a man searching for gold. He had been told that a certain area was full of gold and that he should expect large nuggets. 
He began looking and had no success, this brought him to a point of frustration where he exclaimed "THERE IS NO GOLD HERE!" Suddenly another man came into the story and urged him to start collecting the small flakes of gold in the river.
Still disappointed that there were no large nuggets, he began picking up the flakes and before he knew it, his pouch was full of gold. 
What can we learn from this story? We cannot be so focused on big achievements, landmark moments or outward success that we forget to enjoy and learn from the small things. It truly is by small and simple that great things are brought to pass. Don't wait for the big moments. Seize your moment right now, this very day, this very hour.
I can promise you guys the biggest lessons I have learned are from seemingly small things that accumulate over time. You are all amazing!! I am the most blessed with the best support system!! Have a great week!!
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Spoonie


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