No to shots, yes to Jesus

How is everyone? Send me pictures! Tell me the updates!
- We were chilling with our bikes at an intersection this week when we got talking with the guy stopped at the red light. He said to me "Do you want a shot?" I politely declined and asked him if he wanted a pamphlet about Jesus Christ. He thought for a moment then said "Yeah I need Him in my life." I passed him the pamphlet through his window right as the light turned green and he drove off. #plantedtheseed
- Phone calls are the best. We were calling a referral we received this week just trying to set up a time we could go over and meet the woman who had requested a prayer. I told her who we were and she said "I have to tell you something..." then she took a deep breath and said "You are annoying." That was the end of the phone call. It was awesome.
- On Saturday the youth in our ward did a car wash fundraiser and asked us to come help out! I got to be a sign spinner for almost an hour and it was probably the highlight of my week. I really just had a blast making a fool out of myself and giving nothing but hype to the car wash. 10/10 would recommend.
- On Friday the mission had MLC and also invited all the missionaries on their last transfer to attend. So Elder Jensen got to go to a meeting all day and I got to spend the day with Elder Mayfield and Elder Takahashi! It was SO refreshing to be with some missionaries who want to work hard. Plus Elder Mayfield and Elder Takahashi are just dope. I also got to hear all about Elder Steen and what a beast he is in Casa Linda because Elder Mayfield was just his companion! Definitely a good day!
- We met a lady on the street this week who immediately started crying and telling us she needs Jesus in her life. Her name is Maria and she asked if we could come back the next day and of course we were happy to do so. Because I am currently serving in the English area we had to do a Spanish "pass-off" lesson. One of the Spanish Elders in my area right now happens to be Elder Lamborn from LHS. So there we were, 2 LHS alumni and our companions sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with a wonderful little family in McAllen. Maria is amazing and I am sad we won't be able to continue teaching her but she is in good hands!
- A miracle from this week led us to meet Gus! Gus approached us midday on Saturday while we were riding down the 2nd street trail. He told us he used to meet with missionaries and the only reason he stopped is because his family said he couldn't talk with them anymore. But now he lives in an apartment and wants to continue to learn. So cool to see how God places people in your path on a daily basis. We are going to go visit him this week!
- At church this week our friends Betty and Valentine came! They are an older couple Elder Kumar and I had taught once before but we lost contact with! We were excited to have them join us for Sacrament! Paul is kinda at a standstill but we keep praying for him, hopefully he will make church a priority this week!
I have been reading these awesome books by Anthony Sweat about the temple! (Shoutout to Jenny for giving them to me ALSO I got the most amazing package from the Wanlass family they are the best!!) In these books the main message is that the temple is truly a place where we go to learn and transform. God has given us temples to instruct us and help us reach our potential. There was a quote that made me laugh but also was pretty profound. It said...
"Many of us do not know how to conduct ourselves any better than a donkey does. Notwithstanding our talk and shortcomings, there is reality in all things, and God is determined, if possible, to make something of us. In order to do this, he has to try us and prove us."
-President John Taylor
God wants us to grow so he is going to give us opportunities to do so. Discipleship is not always easy and the gospel of Jesus Christ is one of action, sacrifice and consecration. At times we may wonder why God has given us so many challenges, but we must remember - He wants us to behave like Kings and Queens, He wants us to live in a higher, holier way, He wants us to be more than donkeys.
I know you are all so loved. Keep up the good work.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
-Elder Spoonie


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