Joseph Smith is essentially Netflix

 Hi everyone.

Texas is hot. Bikes are a blessing. Send me pictures if you love me. 🥰
- This week we met a man named Sam who used to attend the restored Church of Jesus Christ but has never became a member. He definitely had some solid background knowledge of the church and it's doctrine... but, he had some misconceptions. Some of the things he said were "Oh, but as long as you don't get drunk, alcohol is okay," "I could become an apostle then my family would have Sacrament every time we eat dinner," and "If other churches are like blockbloster, then Joseph Smith is essentially Netflix." That was a fun lesson.
- I am getting very excited to celebrate the 3rd of July! (and the 4th too, I guess) My mom sent us a package to get us festive. Best time of the year is coming up real fast!!
- On Tuesday morning we used our exercise time to meet a member and his friends at the church to play basketball. Now if this doesn't tell you how dedicated I am to missionary work, then nothing will. I did not enjoy this in the slightest. I put on a smile and endured. But, one of the member's friends came to church with him on Sunday so that is pretty cool!
- I got to go on an exchange with Elder Snarr this week and it was literally incredible. I got to leave my area for the whole day and go party with Elder Snarr! We had such a good day including too much Taco Bell, trading a lady a Book of Mormon for a watermelon AND getting to drive for the first time since January #litAWESOMEcool. The highlight of the day was visiting their friend Adan Treviño to get everything all set for his baptism. When asked who he wanted to have baptize him, he said "someone who would appreciate the experience." Elder Snarr looked at me and then suggested to Adan that maybe I could do it. Adan asked me to baptize him! I was honored! This was such an amazing experience, I am so blessed to have been a small part in his conversion to Christ.
- We taught our new friend Gus 2 times this week and he is awesome! So invested and literally taking notes during the lesson. The only hang up we have with Gus is that he normally works Sunday mornings. We were determined to get him to church so we tried stopping by his place of work, the Country Omelette. (according to Gus this place is the "Mexican IHOP") Our goal was to try and talk with his managers but when we got there they were already closed so we will have to try again. Gus is super awesome!!
- This week we helped Paul fix up his truck, visited him for a lesson, tried to throw away his coffee (he wouldn't let me 😥) and had members reach out to him throughout the week. Sadly, he did not make it to church with us. We love him but we want to give him room to truly choose the course he wants to take in his life. We feel strongly that Paul needs to make decisions on his own without us guiding every step of the way.
Love one another and love who you are. Something I am learning everyday as a missionary is there is SO MUCH diversity in this world. You have something special in you and I know we all have been blessed with spiritual gifts from a loving Heavenly Father. Ponder what gifts you have been given, then use them! Remember that your ability to love those around you has to begin with an appreciation of your own self. Compliment yourself this week, remember how cool you are.
God loves you.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."

-Elder Stringjamon


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