The Lord giveth no commandments


- We met the nicest couple this week! They were out painting on one of the water towers on second street and we stopped to admire their work and get to know them. They were super nice and when we asked if she could paint us into the mural she pointed us to the other side of the painting and said "look over there!" There was a little guy cruising on his bike painted into the mural! We like to think that he was inspired by us.

- For Cinco de Mayo we ate lunch at Taco Fiesta and it was so fun! They had a man all dressed up and playing his guitar and endless chips and salsa. We had dinner with a member and celebrated with Tostadas and Mexican Soda!! I guess we make a bigger deal out of Cinco de Mayo in America than they do in Mexico but it was fun so I am down for it.

- Met lots of cool people and had a lot of good laughs this week! The temple here is so beautiful! I only have 2 weeks left of training! Got to do some service helping a family move a new piano into their home (my mom would've loved this piano). No incidents with the bike this week! McAllen has the prettiest sunsets! I am happy! We have great relationships with the members and they are finding referrals for us!

- I got to go on another exchange with Elder Bird this week and it was a blast! We were in my area on the bikes and it was a warm day! It made me realize that I am way more comfortable on a bike than I thought because Elder Bird isn't usually on the bikes and not to be rude but he was kinda slow.🙊 We also had a 20 minute conversation in which he was trying to teach me how to roll my R's, it was literally hilarious. I made the weirdest sounds and tried so hard but could still not get it. I will keep practicing though and one day I will have it. We also had a miracle lesson inside a Burger King. We were just biking down one of the main roads when I saw a teenager walking out of Burger King. I stopped and talked to him and it turned out that he was going through a lot and really was grateful to meet us. We went inside the Burger King and taught him about the restoration. It was an awesome lesson and when we were teaching him about the first vision he excitedly said "THAT'S LIKE ME, I had questions, it is pretty bright outside and there are 2 of you delivering my message!" This was one of those moments where I was like wow, people need the message of Christ's restored Gospel.

- We had 3 lessons with Paul this week and he is so funny! We were reviewing the commandments again and he was having a hard time feeling like he would be able to follow them, so we read 1 Nephi 3:7 with him. It says, "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." After he read it he looked up with a grin and said "It says the Lord giveth no commandments so I am fine" gratefully he was just playing with us but it was pretty funny. Pray that he can be prepared for baptism on May 21!

- Our friend Leeroy came to church for the second time in a row and brought his sister Cindy with him! Unfortunately, we missed Paul and Agustin this week but I am sure they will come next week! Paul got busy with a family commitment this week. Agustin was out of town this entire week so we actually have not seen him since church last week... hopefully we will catch up with him this week and help him to receive the Holy Ghost!


Happy Mother's Day yesterday!!

I have been blessed with so many wonderful women in my life. From my teachers at dance, to my close friends' moms, to anyone who has ever supported me at a performance, my grandmothers, my sisters, em💗 and most of all my INCREDIBLE mom!!

I have been so blessed by the positive influence of women in my life. There is no doubt in my mind that God loves strong, faithful women and NEEDS them in His church. Thank you all for being a part of my development and supporting me!

"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."

- Elder Stringham 


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