Catholic Bible study with the gals

 Hi again,

Seems like i just wrote one of these, this week flew by!
- One night, Elder Kumar and I were knocking some doors around 7:45 when one lady answered the door. Before we could say anything she said "We are studying the Bible right now, you like the Bible, come in." So we walked into her home to find a group of 10 Catholic women studying the Bible. We stayed for a few moments and listened and honestly I enjoyed everything they had to say. That being said, Elder Kumar and I both knew this was not in line with our missionary purpose so we politely stood up, said a few words and left. One of the women followed us out and asked if she could pray for us. We agreed, she took us by our hands and prayed with us. It is always cool to meet good people of different beliefs and interact with them.
- Another weird experience this week. We were in an apartment complex and heard somebody straight JAMMIN to "I wanna dance with somebody" by Whitney Houston. I said to Elder Kumar that we had to go knock that door because I was confident I could vibe with anyone that had that kind of energy. We followed the music and knocked. We ended up meeting the most unique two souls. We met a couple older in age but young in spirit. The lady we met wore a ring on every single finger, a cowboy hat and a bandana and described herself as "eccentric". The man we met brought us water that was "half purified" and so I was pretty worried to drink it, but I am still living and breathing. We talked about religion, and they were very respectful of what we were doing. Unfortunately, they were heading out of town so we have not had a chance to follow up yet. Definitely a very memorable interaction.
- It decided to get warm in Texas this week which was such a blessing. I am acquiring an intense farmers tan. We put the miles on those bikes every single day and biking in the McAllen heat is something else but I am grateful to be forced to stay active. I love the palm trees here and the sunsets are beautiful so I would say life is good. Plus we are doing the greatest work!
- The VAUGHAN family is so awesome! We met them a little while ago just while visiting the inactive members of our ward. Sister Vaughan and her oldest daughter, Cadence, are both members but very inactive and the two youngest children, Alison and Michael, both are not members. BUT, we have been visiting them and teaching them and we love them! Teaching kids is lowkey the best, using visuals and breaking things down for children is where I thrive. The best part of this story is all 4 of them came to church on Sunday! Sister Vaughan seems to want to provide her family with more unity and love and we are too down to help them find that!! We are going to teach them again on Thursday evening!
- We are still teaching Nelida! She never fails to have GOOD questions and provide insight. Nelida is so smart and analytical, she wants to know the truth and we are hoping we can help her find it through the Holy Ghost. We can teach and teach and teach but Nelida's life will change when she learns for herself the truth of this message. We know we cannot convince her, but we do know a guy who can... so we are trying to invite Him into every lesson!
- Last week I told you about Tony. Last P-Day he was doing so good but we have come to the conclusion that it is not his time right now. He has been missing appointments left and right so we are just gonna give him some time. We know everything is perfect is God's timing.
- This week is Emily's BIRTHDAY! This deserves to go in the best section!! Here are a few of the things she has taught me...
- patience, patience and more patience
- lean on God always, not just when life is hard
- card games never get old
- working hard leads to success
- everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect
- prioritize your family
- most of life's problems can be cured with fruity pebble rice krispy treats
- hard times create strong people
- taylor swift is actually pretty cool
- enjoy the ride 
- there is and will always be peace in Christ
I miss her but am so proud of what she is doing! On the 27th send her all the love!! I love you Hermana Wanlass, see you soon!!
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringcheese

My bike - aka LUPE


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