green spaghetti

 Buenos días,

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? 
- Since I last wrote a letter we have had transfers... but AMAZING NEWS - my trio gets to stay together for another transfer. E. Preece and E. Thom are officially my final companions. 😥 I love this area and I love the people I get to be with while here. My Heavenly Father is blessing me with so many opportunities to learn and grow, I am so thankful.
- Speaking of gratitude, this past week was THANKSGIVING. We did get to eat some turkey but the main dish of Thanksgiving in the 956 always seems to be green spaghetti. Don't ask me why because I have no idea but I do enjoy it. Our dinner also included horchata and fresa flan which were both very very good. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with a large group of members and actually had a preparation day on Thanksgiving so we only were out doing missionary work for a few hours in the evening. It was a great time to reflect on the many things I have that I am grateful for. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
- I was able to go on an exchange with Elder Foltz and Elder Meldrum and then later Elder Preece and I were able to go on an exchange with Elder Moran. I learned a lot and enjoyed being with all those amazing missionaries. 
- Gloria continues to have many great questions for us! We got to eat dinner with her on her birthday. I love the Sanchez family so much! Gloria is still feeling hesitant to accept the invitation to be baptized so please pray for her. She is an amazing daughter of God and so prepared to make covenants. 
- We were blessed to help Camila be baptized and confirmed. She had SO much support from family and ward members on the day of her baptism! Camila's baptismal service was the highest attended baptismal service I have seen as a missionary and that filled me with joy! Camila will be attending the temple this week. We are so blessed to have the McAllen temple! It is blessing so many lives!
- I have never been happier than watching my friend Juan progress along the covenant path. He was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Juan continually expresses gratitude to us and the members of the ward for welcoming him into the fold of God. He is extremely humble, full of hope and willing to be obedient even when it is tough. The baptismal service was amazing and my companion E. Thom got to help Juan with the ordinance of baptism (his first time doing it as a missionary #touchdown). Juan has also received the Priesthood, accepted a calling and will be visiting the temple this week! MIRACLES MIRACLES MIRACLES.
I have been learning so much lately that I would love to share with you all. But I have settled on one thought...
/\ : this is what is looks like to follow God and keep the commandments 
\/ : this is what it looks like to disregard the teachings of Jesus Christ and neglect the commandments
When we first enter into the path of being obedient to God it may appear like it is restricting and tight. However... as we continue to be obedient the path widens because as we keep the commandments life becomes easier, God gives us more because we are able to live in accordance with his laws. In contrast to this idea, many believe that it is much easier to enter into the wide path that Satan presents. The adversary presents freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want to. The danger with this path is that it slowly narrows until we finally realize that we are not happy at all. True happiness, true spiritual liberation and freedom comes from obedience to the commandments of God.
If I have learned anything as a missionary it is that obedience is not only the first law of heaven... but that it is also the most important invitation we are given on earth.
I invite you to consecrate yourself to obedience and rid yourselves of pride that keeps you from being 100% obedient.
I love you all and I LOVE being a missionary.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
Be a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Elder Stringham 


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