baybee shouwr


This was the fastest week of my mission.
- This week I got to go on 2 exchanges! The first Exchange was with Elder Rahm, he is a beast. Later in the week, I got to go on an exchange in Hidalgo with Elder Nelson. On our exchange with Elder Rahm we got to teach a few lessons in members homes that were all super powerful. I really saw the power of teaching through questions. It was also Halloween day, so we had to be inside our apartment by 6:30... that was super sad. With Elder Nelson we saw some cool miracles working with the members of the Hidalgo ward in helping the Elders find some people to teach. It is always awesome to be back in Hidalgo.
- Another highlight of the week was that we had interviews with Presidente Larreal. I have come to really enjoy and cherish each moment that I get to spend learning from Presidente. He must have just learned the phrase "baby shower" in English because about three times during the interview he used that phrase. But it always sounded like "baybee shouwr" he is doing awesome at learning English. He has taught me SO much. I don't even know where to begin. I am grateful for the wonderful example he is of a disciple of Jesus Christ.
- Also, this week we had MLC. Super good meeting! My companion and I got to give a training on how we can be better at setting appropriate goals and making plans to reach them in the TMM. In preparation for this training I learned a lot about the importance of goal setting and planning. President spoke on the importance of unity within a companionship, district, or zone and I think the things he taught can be applied to our families and other relationships.
- Some exciting news of this week is that our friend Gloria accepted the invitation to be baptized! We are excited to continue teaching her and to help her prepare to take this step. I have really really REALLY loved getting to know and teaching the Sanchez family and I am excited to watch Gloria prepare for and receive her baptismal Covenants. We will have another lesson with them this week! Sanchez family = coolest people ever.
- Our friend Juan continues to learn as well! This week after church he looked at us and basically asked "well what's next?" - he wanted to stay for more than 2 hours because he loves learning! We went by on Sunday night and taught another lesson! He had a little snack bar prepared for us complete with Dr. Pepper, gum from Mexico and little shortbread cookies, he is super nice! The cool thing about Juan, is that he has a deep desire to follow Jesus Christ and he really wants to go inside the temple! He is progressing towards a baptismal date in November and then the plan will be to go to the temple with him shortly afterwards. I love teaching people who are humble and interested in the gospel! And Juan is both of those things
- Camila is doing super well! We had a lesson this week, and it was probably one of the best lessons I've taught on my mission. She has already been taught most all of the doctrine contained in the missionary lessons so we decided to use our time with them to share a short message that would help them feel the spirit. We talked very simply about Jesus Christ, prophets and families. The spirit was super strong. I loved watching my companion E. Thom testify of Jesus Christ! He is doing super well and learning quickly. Camila is still progressing towards being baptized this month and is super excited to do so!
At interviews Presidente Larreal invited all the missionaries to study chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel which is all about the attributes of Jesus Christ. 
One attribute that has been sticking out to me lately is obedience. Here is a quote from that chapter in Preach My Gospel.
"Obeying the commandments is an expression of love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Jesus said, If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love."
I have come to love obedience because of the joy it brings into my life.
You should all read chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel! You will not regret it!
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
Be a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Elder Stringcheese


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