pachanga con el Elder Gong

 buenos días 

This was such a good week! The RGV is such a blessed land!
- Lots of really good food. This culture really knows how to cook carne and tortillas. My companions are amazing, I love them both! Having so much fun and working hard! Hidalgo zone saw so many miracles in the month of October! It was a really special month!
- Got to go on an exchange with Elder Frei! I have been serving around this Elder since he arrived in the mission just over 6 months ago. He has been growing a lot in diligence and in testimony! It has been super cool to see. As part of the exchange I went to his district's weekly council and it was a super good meeting. Afterwards we ate at the newly opened Jersey Mike's and let me tell ya... it is Mike's way or the highway. Never have I had better customer service in my life.
- I got to speak in sacrament meeting this week! 
- One of the blessings of this week was getting to teach our friend Juan. Juan is so full of questions and searching tranquility of mind. We had some great lessons with him and an amazing experience with him at church. In between sacrament meeting and Sunday school we took him on a quick chapel tour with one of the members and he loved it. Then he got to stay for our Sunday school lesson which was 100% focused on temples. I would even call it a "temples 101 crash course." Juan learned A LOT about temples and is looking forward to coming back next week. The ward was amazing in making him feel welcome and saying hello to him.
- Camila is progressing super well! We taught a few more lessons to her. The spirit is always so powerful in their home, I have come to really appreciate the difference I feel in their home as opposed to other homes we may enter. She was at church on Sunday and the Halloween activity on Friday! After our lesson last night the family invited us to decorate a few cookies with them as an early día de los Muertos celebration. It was a super fun experience and good time to appreciate these amazing people and their culture. Camila is still progressing towards her baptismal date!
- The TMM received a special visit from Elder Gong this week. It was incredible!!! He took the time to shake each one of our hands and learn our names and a little bit about us. We had a great devotional with him that can be summarized with 2 parts. The first was a segment on "keeping all your lines in the water." He and Presidente Larreal put on fishing vests and hats and grabbed fishing poles for this segment of the devotional. Later Elder Gong put back in his suit coat, got rid of the fishing props and said "now for something more Sacred". He taught about Jesus Christ and His divine role as the Good Shepard and the Lamb of God. A very edifying meeting that I will not shortly forget.
"And if any man among you be strong in the Spirit, let him take with him him that is weak, that he may be edified in all meekness, that he may become strong also." - Doctrine and Covenants 84:106
This was a major theme of my week. In Spanish the verse has the phrase "lleve consigo" or in english "to carry with you." As I was talking with Presidente Larreal this week he kept coming back to the importance of carrying others with us. We should always be aware of those around us who may be struggling or as the verse says may be weak in the spirit. We are under covenant responsibility to carry with us those who need our help, support and love. 
Then, we got to hear from Elder Gong who focused a large part of his devotional on Jesus Christ and His many titles. As he was speaking the spirit taught me the beautiful truth that Jesus Christ carries us with Him. Because He is strong in spirit and often times we are weak - we can always rely on His Atoning power to strengthen us and edify us!
This is why baptism is so important and this is why the sacrament is so important!!! The only way we can allow Jesus Christ to carry us with Him is by making and renewing covenants. I know that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer and I know that covenants are the way to sanctification of our souls. 
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
Be a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Elder Stringham


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