puro 956


Back to the valley! This week was the best week of my entire mission. I love being a missionary.
- This week we had transfers and I have been incredibly blessed. I am back in Hidalgo zone serving in one of the strongest Spanish wards in the mission! I have an amazing new companion named Elder Preece from Wyoming and we are both new to the area so we have been so crazy busy meeting new people and sorting out what is going on in the area! I do miss Corpus Christi but I can't stop smiling while I do missionary work in the RGV. I love it here. Amazing people, amazing culture and great food. Haha did I mention that I am super happy?
- Right before transfers on Thursday a group of missionaries got to go to the temple open house. Wow the temple is such a special place. I cannot wait to be able to do temple work inside! But for now I am so glad that many people are getting the chance to see a temple for the very first time! It is bringing so many blessings to the people of South TX. The work of the Lord is moving forward! My friend Alicia from Corpus made the trip down to the open house to see the temple and she loved it! I also got to go through the open house with Elder Wankier - love that guy. 
- My new ward is fantastic. I am so impressed with them. This week they asked me to say the opening prayer in sacrament meeting and while they announced my name they said "la primera oración será ofrecida por el elder... es un nombre japonés... el elder Springbom." They may not be able to pronounce my name but they think all the missionaries are ángeles and are always excited to be involved in missionary work and bringing more people to Christ. I am so happy to be here!
- Alright, we are teaching an amazing family! They came to church and they want to prepare to be baptized. I don't know what else to say other than it truly is a blessing to be interacting with so many people who are searching for the gospel. If I have learned anything in my mission it's that true lasting joy comes from honoring the principles of the gospel and making and keeping covenants with Heavenly Father. This family is going to be preparing to be baptized this month! I can't wait to see them dressed in white. 
- The work up in Corpus Christi continues forward. Before I left we were able to arrange all the details for Tristian's baptism and finish teaching him in preparation for his Baptism! He is amazing. Such a humble follower of Christ who was just so prepared to accept the gospel. Also, my amazing friend Emily from Corpus accepted a date to be baptized this month and came to church this past Sunday! It is amazing to see people find joy and purpose in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so happy for my friends who are making and preparing to make covenants.
- I did have to miss Tristian's baptism but I did get to the valley just in time to help my friend Paulo finish preparing for his baptism! Paulo is part of a part member family. He was SO prepared to be baptized and was super happy at his baptismal service and during church the next day. It is amazing to see the joy that the gospel brings into people's lives.
I completed the Book of Mormon again this week and I testify of the spiritual power that it contains. 
I know that as I have read the Book of Mormon I have felt deeper joy and a closer relationship with my Heavenly Father each day. I love learning about Jesus Christ, it makes me feel happier than almost anything else. I am so grateful for my Savior and for my Heavenly Father who gave us a way to repent and grow. 
If you don't love reading the Book of Mormon - read it more. I know and I testify that your countenance will be made brighter and your joy will be more abundant as you study the Book of Mormon each day.
"Y hablamos de Cristo, nos regocijamos en Cristo, predicamos de Cristo, profetizamos de Cristo y escribimos según nuestras profecías, para que nuestros hijos sepan a qué fuente han de acudir para la remisión de sus pecados." - 2 Nefi 25:26
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
Be a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Elder Springbom


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