Sister Stone's chosen cookies

 Hi everyone,

This week flew by!!!!!!
- We had transfers this week and I received a new companion! His name is Elder Rhineer and he is from a small little town (I don't think very many of you will have heard of it) Called Provo, Utah. He is awesome! Very high faith and very high energy. He is excited to be here and we have had a great week together. Something cool is that he actually used to serve in the same little Hidalgo bike area that I served in so we have been able to talk about all our friends there and remember what an amazing place it is. In Corpus Christi zone we received a bunch of new missionaries who are hyped! This transfer is going to be amazing!!!
- Friday was the hottest day of my entire life. Combining the temperatures of high 90's with the humidity, it "felt like 110." Which honestly would've been fine except we had previously agreed to help one of our new members move and she asked us to come over at 2PM. This was the worst decision anyone in the city of Corpus Christi has ever made. After the first load I was sweating through my ropa misional and my eyes were starting to sting. An hour and a half later Elder Rhineer and I were both just wiped out but we brushed ourselves off and got to work! 
- Our district leader brought a bunch of party supplies to district council to celebrate his birthday a few weeks late. Compete with party hats, cupcakes he made and balloons! It was pretty fun. Happy Birthday Elder Ingram.
- One of the blessings of a new transfer is taking time to visit members and introduce your new companion to them. This week I felt so blessed as I got to know these faithful members better and learn how the gospel has improved their lives. I know that the teachings of Jesus Christ help us live stable, happy and abundant lives!
- Last week Elder Avila and I found a family and were able to help them move their furniture from a small apartment into a bigger one in the same complex. We had gotten to know them and they expressed desires to come to church. We stayed in contact with them this week and they joined us for church on Sunday! They had a great time. The biggest miracle was that after sacrament meeting we were talking to our friend Minnie from this family and she said that she had always wanted to be baptized! We showed her the font and she accepted an invitation to prepare to be baptized. Service brings miracles!
- We have been teaching our friends David and Natalie and the only word I can use to describe them is ELECT. They just want everything we talk about and are willing to make any necessary changes in their lives to be more in accordance with God's Commandments. We had some wonderful lessons with them this week including one where they made us caldo de marisco which was honestly not my favorite thing but I appreciated the fact that they wanted to provide us with a meal. This week they both accepted an invitation to prepare to be baptized!! I love teaching them and am excited to watch them progress!
This week I studied in Helaman and a major theme I saw is that the spirit of God cannot dwell where there is contention.
The early records in the book of Helaman tell a little about how when there was contention in the land the people were not prospering. I think that is the same for us in our individual lives and relationships with others. 
It is so important that we learn to be peacemakers. Assertive and direct agents who can choose to be happy and avoid feelings of contention. We will not always agree with others, but choosing to foster contention is never a good idea. 
This idea reminded me of President Nelson's talk "Spiritual Momentum" and I echo his invitation to end conflict in your personal life. As you put an end to conflict within your heart and with others - you will have a greater influence of the spirit in your life, I know it!!
I love you all.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringham


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