

Corpus Christi had an amazing month in May! So many miracles and blessings. Happy Summer!!!
- This week I was able to go on exchanges in a tiny town called Sinton. I got to work with Elder Usevitch and we had a great day! While I was there the Sinton branch did a Family Home Evening at the branch building that was super fun. They brought together new members, friends they are teaching, and leadership in the branch for a spiritual message, games and snacks! One of the friends they are teaching gave me a ring that says "JESUS" on it. Also, Elder Usevitch had a giant puzzle out on their apartment table and I used all my free time to work on it. I definitely enjoyed my time in Sinton.
- Yesterday we had an unplanned opportunity to serve! While at an apartment complex we met a family who was needing to move from a 2 bedroom apartment to a 3 bedroom in the same complex. They told us how they had been searching for help for days and were just about to give up when we showed up. This may have been one of the hardest move projects I had done due to the large amount of heavy furniture, large distance between the 2 apartments and the fact that it was fast Sunday. However, it was all worth it when we got to see how grateful the family was and how nice everything looked in the new apartment! They also expressed interest in attending church with us and asked if they could sit next to us next week! How awesome.
- I LOVE MY COMPANION. We are having a great time. Laughing lots and working hard. Transfers are this week and we are hoping to stay together for another transfer!!! Elder Avila is very fun and I am grateful that God's plan for my mission included serving with him here in Corpus Christi.
- One of the highlights of the week was Mission Leadership Conference in McAllen! So fun to see some of my past companions and receive so much great instruction from Presidente and Hermana Larreal. More details on that to come later! Before we started the 3 hour drive back to Corpus we decided to visit the temple grounds and boy was it worth it! There is such an amazing spirit there. I can't wait to enter and more importantly I can't wait to bring my friends inside who have never been to the temple before! The open house will be August 25-September 9th!
- I have been sharing a lot about Alicia and she continues to make us smile. This week she attended a Memorial Day BBQ at one of the ward members' homes and won the trivia game there. Later in the week we brought the Relief Society President to her home and had a lesson and at the end of the week she came to church without a reminder. She is such a member already. Pray for her that she finds her answer and has a desire to receive the blessings of baptism! 
- One evening we felt impressed to have a Bike Night and it brought miracles. We knocked on a door and had a first contact that was straight out of a movie. Our new friend opened the door, invited us in and proceeded to tell us how he literally felt the spirit of the Lord push him to answer the door when he normally would not. He praised us for our work and shared how much he respected us. The spirit was overflowing in the room as we expressed to him our gratitude for the chance to meet him and testified of the divinity of our calling. This experience reminded me that the Lord is preparing his people to receive us. I look forward to sharing more of the gospel with Terrell!
During MLC Presidente Larreal shared some wonderful thoughts on the importance of being centered on Christ. Oftentimes when we are placed under pressure and given high expectations we push ourselves hard and have a tendency to rely on our own strength and capabilities. This can be straining and cause a decrease of joy.
There is power in humility and centering ourselves on Christ!
Something I have discovered is that there is a correlation in my life between the joy I feel and the focus on Jesus Christ and his doctrine that I have. I know that the gospel is a blueprint for a happy life!!! I know Jesus Christ lives!
What has helped you feel joy this week?
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringham 


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