the HUNT is on


cómo están????
- This week we were walking down a street just looking for people to talk with. When a white kidnapper van comes flying down the street. Once the van got next to us it came to a stop in the middle of the road. My companion says "are we about to get kidnapped?" and then a man steps out of his white van and says "JESUS THANKS YOU SPREADING THE WORS." Then he gets back in his van and drives away. Pretty good story I think.
- While on exchanges this week with Elder Ingram we met a woman named Adriana. At first she was not interested in talking to us at all. However, we got to know her a little and by the end of the contact she thanked us for all we do! Then about 5 minutes later she came flying down the street. (I guess it was just the week of people flying down the street in their cars haha) She rolls down the window and says "THE HOLY SPIRIT TOLD ME TO GIVE YOU THIS!!!" She sticks her hand out the window and waves some cash at us. We tried to tell her it was okay and we didn't need it but she reaffirmed over and over again that the holy spirit told her we needed it. We couldn't deny her spiritual experience... so we took the money and we are currently trying to find out what the purpose of the money is.
- Found out that a good way to reheat pizza is in the toaster. Yum.
- This week I got to go on not one but TWO exchanges! They were both very uplifting and positive experiences! The first one I went on was with Elder Ingram who is one of the district leaders in Corpus Christi! We really worked on our ability to talk with EVERYONE and we taught some awesome lessons! Later in the week I got to go on an exchange with Elder Frei! Elder Frei is a new missionary who has been on his mission for about 3 weeks. We did studies by the water and had a busy day of teaching! It is always good to learn from other missionaries and get to know them!
- This week we had some more opportunities to do service! One of our members called us and asked us to do service for her neighbor who is from Australia. We got to go over and help this friend move a bunch of furniture and told her all about the missionary program and what we do. She was very kind, said some funny things and invited us to come back for dinner soon. We love to serve!!!
- One of our friends is a sweet woman named Alicia! Alicia is doing so well and this week made some friends at church! After the second hour I asked her if she had met anyone and she responded with "yes Kathy... she is hilarious. Bring her to my house." That is such a miracle! Pray for Alicia, she is doing so great but is hesitant to accept a Baptismal Date and we would love to see her dressed in white making covenants.
I love celebrating mother's day!!!
I LOVE MY MOM! She is such a patient, loving, funny, talented, organized and kind woman who has never given me anything but her best! She is truly the perfect mother for me and I am so happy I get to spend eternity with her!
I also wanted to express gratitude for my other "moms." 😁 Some of my "moms" send me packages and play card games with me, some of my "moms" made t-shirts with my face on it to support me at my competitions. Some of my "moms" taught me inside the dance studio and some of my "moms" are so awesome they get the title grandma! 
God is Good and I know He is because He blessed me with so many amazing people in my life! 
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."

- Elder Stringham 


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