Zone Leader letter

 25 April 2023  

Dear Elder Spencer John Stringham,  

I congratulate you on being asked to serve as a Zone Leader over the Corpus Christi Zone in the great Texas McAllen Mission.  Your senior companion will be Elder Avila. Leadership is best accomplished through your own positive Christ-like example.  The success of your Zone rests heavily upon your shoulders.  Your leadership and service, as well as the example set by you and your companion will establish the tone for the rest of the Zone. 


As a Zone Leader you are expected to: 

  • Be Christ-like and uplifting in all in your dealings, conversations, and feelings toward all Zone members. 

  • Proselyte in your own area and strive to baptize regularly, at least monthly. 

  • Master your missionary skills and invite all to come unto Christ and accept the blessings of baptism and Church membership. 

  • Train missionaries in the Zone to proselyte more effectively, baptize regularly, and work unitedly with local Church leaders in a balanced approach. 

  • Hold well-planned, spiritual, and motivating Zone Meetings. 

  • Demonstrate a superior working knowledge and use of the principles contained in Preach My Gospel. 

  • Prepare and submit accurate, complete, and timely reports. 

  • Closely train, work with, and supervise the District Leaders in your Zone and ensure that they carry out the directives of those in authority. 

  • Faithfully perform all other duties assigned to you. 


Remember that you have been asked to be a worthy leader who leads by example.  You should set the example of what is a righteous, hard-working, and highly successful missionary.  As the Lord blesses you and your companion with success, other missionaries will pattern themselves after you.  Your enthusiasm, vision, commitment, and determination will be contagious and will lift the work of the entire Zone. 


The Lord and I have great confidence in you.  Be exactly obedient.  Be true and faithful to the trust that is placed upon you.  I have the utmost confidence that you have all the necessary qualities to ensure your success as a Zone Leader.  Always be humble and seek the Spirit as your constant companion.  I am enclosing a summary of your new duties. 


Kindest regards, 




President Pedro X. Larreal 

Texas McAllen Mission 



cc: Parents, Bishop & Stake President 


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