

It is a beautiful day to be alive.
- One of the families in our area that we have been teaching is named the Solis family. Some of the people in this family are members of the church and others are not. We have been specifically teaching our friend Josh and helping him prepare to be baptized and make a covenant with God. Josh is amazing but his grandfather, Ramon, is hilarious. Ramon had on the back of his truck a sticker that said C.R.E.A.M. with no explanation. When I asked him about it he told me he designed it and told me it means "Christ Rules Everything Around Me." He is trying to trademark it. How I love the wonderful people of South TX.
- Downtown Brownsville is crazy and there are definitely times when we feel a little uncomfortable. This area is a reminder that there really is A LOT of evil in the world and there is such a great need for the gospel. I have definitely been able to see the blessings of the gospel in a greater light as I contrast it with some of the darkness I see everyday. I guess there is opposition in all things. 
- A highlight of the week was going on exchanges with Elder Nelson! I have been a district leader for awhile now but this is the first opportunity that I have had to go on exchanges with the elders in my district because the last district I was over was puro hermanas. I had a blast with Elder Nelson and was super impressed by his missionary abilities. We talked with EVERYONE and ran down streets to get to people so we could talk with them. We met a friend who had just moved to Brownsville and was biking around with a lawn mower attached to the back and soliciting yard card to make some money. How iconic is that. Don't worry I grabbed a photo as he was leaving and I will attach it.
- One of our other friends is named Joe and he totally surprised us by attending church when we honestly forgot about him (nuestra culpa). This week we were able to visit him and teach him about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Something I love seeing in my friends is when they genuinely think about their answers before they speak in response to our questions. Joe is very thoughtful and I hope that this week as we teach him more he will continue to progress!
- We have some INCREDIBLE friends that I am honored to be teaching. Danielle and her children joined us again for church and completely loved it. They are totally integrated into the ward and felt comfortable going to their second hour classes! They have received all the lessons and if all goes to plan - Danielle and her oldest son, Nathan, will be baptized and confirmed this weekend with General Conference! Nathan makes me laugh so hard, he is into miming... so he always acts like he is in a glass box. Hard to explain but super fun and he has been helping me perfect my skills. Grateful for the amazing ward here and also for the chance to teach this amazing family. Send extras prayers for them this week. 🙏🙏🙏
The bishop shared an amazing spiritual thought yesterday at church that really resonated with me.
He shared a story of a man visiting a small island nation and asking the natives if they could teach him their traditional dances. To the request the natives said "we can teach you the moves... but you have to hear the music."
In life so often we go through the motions and do all the right moves, but we don't hear the music. In the gospel, the "music" represents the spirit. We can go to church, read our scriptures and keep the Commandments - but if we fail to hear the music, or listen to the spirit, we are missing out on the best part. 
I am grateful for the music in my life and I challenge you to listen to the music instead of just going through the motions this week.
A special happy birthday shout out to Em! She is the brightest light in any room and is working so many miracles with the people of Washington D.C. Emily makes everyone smile and feel special. She has such a strong testimony of Christ and is working so hard as a missionary. She inspires me to be my best. I am so proud of her service and so excited to see her soon!
Te amo @ em 
Everyone wish her a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringham 


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