trio from the premortal

 que onda?

Bueno! Bonito! Barato!
- Trio for a week was delightful. Elder Hall, Elder Chamberlain and I had such a fun week together! It was a bit crazy trying to balance 2 areas as one companionship but we made it work! I laughed more this week than I have in a long time. This gospel is one of joy and I am glad to say I found joy in sharing it this week!
- My entire district got to do a service project together this week! We were helping a friend move out of her home while simultaneously helping her turn it into a model home. This friend was literally a hoot and kept us all laughing. She ended up calling me "the interior designer elder" and told me to consider a career in that field. Afterwards she sent us the nicest message. Service is good! Amen.
- Transfer news came in last night and I will be staying in Hidalgo and doing the work of the Lord on my bike for another transfer. I am blessed to be in a Spanish area and to be in the best district ever. My new companion's name is Elder Wankier and he is a younger missionary who is from Woods Cross (so my extended family definitely loves him more than me). I am looking forward to a new transfer!!
- Yesterday the missionaries got to teach the Sunday school lesson and it went incredibly! Our topic was Amar. Compartir. Invitar. (Love. Share. Invite.) and the ward is so excited to get involved with missionary work! The spirit was strong and we definitely have started some good momentum with the member-missionary relationship. 
- As I was teaching others the gospel of Jesus Christ this week I learned a lot myself. The more simple we can keep the gospel, the better opportunity we give for the spirit to testify. We taught some very good, very simple lessons with friends in my area and the other Elder's area. 
- To be very transparent with you all... we do not really have any friends who we are consistently teaching right now. However, Heavenly Father is opening doors up for us! This next week one member of our bishopric is taking us to meet his daughter and her kids, another member is inviting one of her friends to receive a lesson with us in her home and one of our members requested to go out working with us for a few hours. There are so many opportunities coming up, pray that we may be able to find God's children looking for the gospel. 🙂
In the spirit of simplicity - God is a God of miracles. I have seen them in my life. I know He knows you and loves you. I know that the gospel brings us joy. I can promise that as you strive to bring yourself closer to Christ, like REALLY STRIVE to learn about Him and grow close to Him, you will feel self confidence, lasting peace and the type of joy that makes you smile throughout the day.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringcheese 


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