con calma

 Hey everyone 

barely survived this week. shoutout to Courtney and her lancelles for their win @ region this last weekend - y`all are cool.
- On Tuesday E. Roylance received an email informing him that he had gotten his visa and that he would be flying out to Peru the next monday. He was SHOCKED and HYPED. We spent the entire week trying to balance our missionary work and Peru prep, which was honestly very difficult and quite chaotic. Poor kid was so stressed that he got himself sick. However, this morning we dropped him off at the mission office and he is currently on a set of flights that will get him into Peru. I am super excited for him and I hope he can enjoy his time in Peru, sad to see him leave the TMM though. As a result of that, I have been officially placed in a trio with E. Hall and E. Chamberlain until transfers next week. #triopower!!!
- We had an awesome Zone meeting this week and I just love Hidalgo zone. There are so many amazing people here. We planned a meeting to help everyone refocus themselves on their missionary purpose and gain a vision of what they want to accomplish during their time as a missionary. It went very well and it was fun to be together. 
- On Saturday we were able to do missionary work with one of our members! We went to visit Hno Rodriguez and after a 10 minute conversation he was putting on his shoes so we could go out and meet new people with him. We spent the next hour of our day outside talking with as many people as we could. It was super powerful to have a member out with us so he could testify to the message we were sharing. I love working with the members.
- One of the biggest blessings of the entire week was getting to go on exchanges with E. Oli. It is always fun to be back with my old companion, we clicked right back into comp unity and had the best day. We were able to stay in my area and spend a lot of time talking with new people who we might be able to teach. I am so glad for the friends I have gained here in the TMM and E. Oli is definitely one of those people so I am always grateful for the days that I get to hang out with him. On our exchange I also learned the importance of Enduring the End in all that you do. One of our cool new friends we were not able to cross paths with until 8:58PM (our work hours end at 9:00PM). It blew my mind that if we had not kept working diligently until the very end of the night. We would not have had the chance to meet our new friend. E. Oli also helped me through this tough week by reminding me we have to live "con calma" - what a wise guy he is.
- Damien got baptized this Saturday. It was a crazy week getting everything ready for him to be baptized. The morning of the baptism we were getting close to starting and Damien still hadn't arrived, E. Roylance and I ended up walking with him to the church, but he did make it! Damien was excited and got a ton of great support from the members here. He got confirmed on Sunday and has never been happier. For those of you who don't know Damien is the coolest kid that E. Roylance and I found one night while riding bikes, he ended up coming to church with us and starting receiving the lessons with us. At one point in the teaching processes he expressed that he can speak both languages but prefers English. For this reason, the sisters completed his lessons and helped him take his final steps to be baptized. Super excited for Damien.
- We had some fire lessons this week with some of our friends. I am grateful for the spirit I can feel while I teach about the Savior. No new friends were able to come to church with us this week but hopefully this week our #triopower will take Hidalgo by storm and we will help everyone have the chance to attend church with us!
This week I was studying MEEKNESS
I think many times we confuse what Humility and Meekness are. They both are very important Christlike attributes for us to develop. Here is a quick quote and then I encourage you to study "Meek and Lowly of Heart'' by David A. Bednar. It was a very good read. 
"Whereas humility generally denotes dependance upon God and the constant need for His guidance and support, a distinguishing characteristic of meekness is a particular spiritual receptivity to learning both form the Holy Ghost and from people who may seem less capable, experienced, or educated, who may not hold important positions, or who otherwise may not appear to have much to contribute." 
Be meek this week.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringham 


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