we wich you a merry christmas

 Feliz Navidad!

What a jolly time of year
- We enjoyed a fantastic Christmas Eve dinner of tamales and a even better Christmas dinner of the best South TX bbq I have ever eaten. The Hidalgo ward members spoiled us and made us feel right at home this holiday season. 
- Hidalgo continues to be cold! This week we were blessed by our friend Veronica with a beanie to wear! This was a miracle because we literally went over to the corner store in our area to look for one and they didn't have any, we had to hurry over to our lesson with Veronica and my ears were straight frozen. At the end of our awesome Plan of Salvation lesson with Veronica she sent her daughter back to a closet and she came back with a Navy Blue beanie that made my job much more enjoyable. I am grateful for the kind acts of other people.
- The lights of Hidalgo city are across the parking lot from our apartment. Once we got home from working on Christmas eve Elder Roylance and I decided to walk over to the lights for a quick moment in the Christmas fun. This was easily one of the highlights of my week.
- Funny quotes of the week "if I can drink for 8 hours, i guess I can give one to God on Sunday" ...this man did not end up coming to church. Asking a hermana in my ward how they sing we wish you a merry Christmas in Spanish and having her say with no amusement in her voice at all "we wich you a merry christmas" super awkward for me.
- The best part of my week was the TMM Christmas conference! The entire mission gathered together and spent the entire day together. The morning began with a powerful devotional by President and Sister Larreal and continued with a wonderful lunch provided by our Senior missionaries. Later we changed into preparation day clothes for games at the park and a white elephant gift exchange with all 200 of us. Lots of fun to be surrounded by all my friends here. I left the conference feeling overwhelmed by the goodness of God.
- We visited a member this week named Hermana Ferree and met one of her friends. We then were able to move forward with teaching her about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon. Hopefully this week we will be able to meet her family and teach them all! We love meeting people through members.
- Super cool part of this week was meeting Kevin and Amy's dad! We got into their home again this week and taught the restoration with my Jenga set. They loved it! Their dad is super interested in having us over and wants to invite us over for dinner. He told us they wouldn't be able to make it to church on Christmas because they had family plans which I totally understand. We are hopeful for this week!
I love Jesus Christ!
I am grateful for the opportunity we have had to focus on Him this month. I invite you all to allow Him to be a big part of your life this coming year. Let Him be your friend! 
He is the light of the world. He is the Savior. He is our redeemer. 
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude"
- Elder Stringham


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