deathly dogs of Hidalgo


"See you later, Alligator" - Hno. Rodriguez 
- This week we had a lunch appointment with a sweet lady named Hermana Alvarez. We got there and she explained to us that she was told we eat everything, to this we just smiled and followed her into the kitchen. She proceeds to tell us that she made us MOLE, without a moment's hesitation, I look over at my companion who hates nothing more than he hates mole. He starts praying for strength while this kind Hna starts loading up our plates. He did not make it through very much but it was comical to watch him try.
- We taught a crazy lesson to a crazy lady this week. She just could not grasp anything we were trying to say. Even though it may have been one of the most unsuccessful lessons of my mission, it was also one of the most powerful lessons I have taught because we just kept testifying boldly to her of the words we were saying. We left knowing we did all we could to share the gospel with her.
- I have just about had it with dogs here. There were 4 instances this week where Elder Roylance and I were LITERALLY CHASED down entire streets by dogs who we both thought would take our legs off. One night I was just chilling on my bike when I heard a noise behind me, I looked back and I kid you not a large, dark-colored German Shepherd is on his way to end my life. I have never biked faster. Oh yes I also got bitten by a member's dog this week (run it back to Weslaco) and then was on the phone for 20 minutes with the mission nurse to get everything sorted out. We did however have one positive interaction with dogs this week. We got to walk our friend Elmer's dog while he finished something so that we could still teach him a lesson that night.
- We had interviews with Presidente Larreal this week. He is just super bien awesome. It is always a good opportunity to sit with him and talk about how I can improve. 
- We met an inactive member while we were out biking and went back to visit her another evening this week. She just moved here from Reynosa and was baptized there but then became inactive before she moved to Hidalgo. Super cool interaction with her though. We were just talking with her, getting to know her and then at the end of the discussion I asked if we could pray with her before we left. I offered a simple prayer for her and her family and when we opened our eyes, she had gentle tears in her eyes and said "Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que oré" (it's been a long time since I prayed). She was truly touched by the power of prayer, it was incredible.
- We finally were able to get into Amy and Kevin's home and meet their mom! Her name is Ingrid and she is AWESOME. Each time we text her she will respond and then follow her response with "que tengan un EXELENTE día" and it just makes us very happy. They got sick on Saturday night so they missed church but they are very awesome and progressing well in the gospel. Pray for them!
- Lino will be returning to Hidalgo this week from his little 2.5 week work vacation and we are SUPER hyped to reconnect with him and continue to help him progress.
- Transfers are this Tuesday but Elder Roylance and I get the opportunity to work together for another transfer! We are looking forward to this upcoming transfer here in Hidalgo.
I feel like as a missionary I am always placed under a microscope and so my weaknesses are always shining forth. For a long time I struggled with this and was very hard on myself for the many faults I could see within myself. But... I have finally come to a greater perspective. 
As we become more Christlike, it is inevitable that we will see our imperfections because Jesus Christ was perfect. So isn't it quite impressive of us when we can recognize our weaknesses and have a desire to change. In this way, I think that by seeing more of our weaknesses... we are actually becoming more perfected.
Ether 12:27 🙂
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringham 


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