you are doing very well job

 I love Weslaco. 

I love Weslaco.
I love Weslaco.
- Last preparation day was on Halloween! The wonderful Hulet family invited us missionaries over for a "service project" to help them pass out candy to little trick or treaters! This was so fun. We also had to stop by and visit Ruby because it was her first week without Yazmin and she wanted the missionaries to come paint pumpkins with her. So needless to say, our 3 work hours on Halloween were not mega productive when it comes to finding or teaching but we definitely strengthened our relationships with ward members and made some happy memories.
- There were SO MANY CHILDREN this week. One of the highlights was definitely playing tag with a group of 5 children while Elder Steen taught one of our friends a little lesson. I kept trying to remove myself from the game but these kids were not having it. As soon as I stepped out to help teach they came over, started hitting me and saying "you're it, you're it" so... I determined that in order to keep the spirit in the lesson, I would distract the children with a game of tag. We also had an amazing dinner with the Lyle family where I got to hang out with my young friend John, catch your weekly photo of John and I down below. The other kids are from a new family that we met and I will tell you some more about that below but they are AWESOME. 
- A memorable little story... the Ramsey's were signed up to feed us this week but then they got sick and couldn't have us over. They are a sweet old couple who still wanted to provide us with some food so they asked us to come over and pick up dinner. When we got there we were handed a can of corn, a container of macaroni salad and a giant ham steak #grateful. Oh not to mention, there was no silverware included in the bag, so that was awesome. Definitely the weirdest dinner I have eaten on my mission but one of the most memorable.
- MLC this weekend was literally incredible. The TMM is on the upward and it is so exciting to see the positive changes that are taking place! Presidente Larreal said in his broken English "you are doing very well job, we love you elders and sisters" - the Larreal's are just incredible people and I love learning from them. During lunch at MLC I sat next to Presidente and he told me all about the mission and definitely let slip "esta listo por su cambio Elder Stringham?" ...I said "CAMBIO" and he just kinda giggled at me and then wouldn't tell me anything else regarding the subject. On the way home we definitely stopped by the BEAUTIFUL MCALLEN TEMPLE. WOW. I LOVE TO SEE THE TEMPLE. I definitely do miss my fun little bike area in McAllen.
- I love Carlos and Leslie. They are just amazing and learning so so much. We met with them to read the Book of Mormon together this week and they impressed me with their thoughts and their questions. They have a bright future in the gospel and I pray that they can learn the true meaning of and joy in enduring to the end. I am going to miss these kids more than anything. Thank goodness for technology that will let me stay in touch. 
- Danii Boot's is a champion and a soldier. She is staying faithful as she battles with struggle after struggle. I am so glad that I got to know her and her family while I was here in Weslaco. They have taught me about perseverance, faith and trust in God. Some of my most spiritual experiences on my mission have been with this family and although the current challenges they are facing are temporarily stopping them from achieving their goal of baptism. I know that they will all get there and I can't wait to hear about when it does. Shark slides for the win.
- Miracle story - last Sunday, I received the impression to visit our friend Lorena. We went by and she did not answer the door even though she was definitely inside... big sad. We started walking back to the car when I saw a family out in the distance and immediately knew that we had to go talk to them. This led to us meeting Tomas, Brenda and their 4 children. They were very kind and invited us back over later in the week for a lesson. When we did go back they brought us right inside, gave us a meal and then joined us for a spirit filled lesson on the restoration. One of the top 5, best lessons on my mission so far. At the end they expressed their needs and that they as a family had been in need of help and direction and told us that they knew we found them just at the right time. SO COOL!! We visited them again later in the week and they are so amazing. Good desires and super ready to learn and grow in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I will definitely be sad to not be here while they continue to progress and learn. 
- If you haven't already used your context clues to determine this... I am getting transfered! Tomorrow I leave the blessed city of Weslaco that I have grown to love so much and head to Hidalgo! If you want to know the fun facts about next transfer, send me a message and I would love to tell you all about it. I am happy and sad, excited and nervous, ready and also not ready at all and more than anything grateful for both my time here in Weslaco and my new adventure that awaits in Hidalgo. 
God has blessed us with so much. As I reflect back on my past 4 months here in Weslaco I feel so grateful for each day I had here. God knew who I needed to meet and what I needed to learn. I have a firm testimony that some of the friends I met here in Weslaco are people that I needed to come meet and serve. It truly blows my mind that I have fallen completely in love with this little town full of trocas, taquerias and takuaches. 
A scripture that has been in my mind all week is from 2 Nephi chapter 5 and says "And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness." There is so much happiness to be found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is so much happiness to be found in our covenants with God and in obedience to the commandments. There is so much happiness to be found today, tomorrow and every day after that.
I promise you that Heavenly Father loves you and knows you. You can feel His love in His scriptures. I invite you all to pick up a Book of Mormon and start reading. I know you will find happiness in what Christ teaches us in that record. I love you all very much.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Spoonie 


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