

Hidalgo has been miserably cold this week. I did NOT see that one coming.
- Sunday Morning from 11:50-12:20 was the craziest half an hour of my mission. To keep this somewhat short. These 30 minutes consisted of, running to a Recent Convert's house with Brother Reyes to give him a ride to church, flying over to Lino's house and jumping his car so he could get to church, giving a Priesthood blessing to a hysterical member from the English ward and seeing our young friend Kevin who is 11 sitting in the back row of Sacrament meeting. BLESSINGS in many forms. This story definitely is better told in person so if you see or talk to me soon, ask about Sunday morning.
- Like I mentioned earlier, THIS WEEK WAS NOT THE MOVE. I pulled out a long sleeve shirt for the first time since literally January. Today I need to buy gloves and a beanie because I really cannot handle being on the bikes in the rain, wind and coldness. We dropped down to the 40's here in Hidalgo. On Friday we received a message from Sister Larreal (our President's wife) at about 5:30 urging us to only be outside if we really needed to. Pray that Hidalgo gets some sunshine this week, I 10/10 prefer sweating in 100 degrees than I do quaking in my boots from the cold.
- In District Council this week, to lighten the mood, everyone had to do their favorite dance move. This was the best idea I have had in a long time. Lots of good laughs and district unity is on its way up. #Sharyland
- Elder Roylance and I laugh all the time, I love this kid. So many funny jokes and honestly if you can figure out what the email title means... I will send you a video of me moonwalking.
- On Tuesday, Elder Kumar was on exchanges with Elder Oli and so my apartment had 1) my current companion 2) my trainer and 3) my tech squad companion of 2 transfers. It was so fun because I could whip out literally almost any memory from my mission and somebody would know what I was talking about. 
- We had a zone conference at La Vista chapel with Elder and Sister Alonso from the area 70, they are awesome! But honestly more awesome is that I got to see so many of my friends. I love the TMM. We even had a little tech squad reunion. 🥰
- MY FRIEND JESSIE (if you have been reading my emails he is the friend that I found with Elder Oli picking up a HUGE pile of trash that had baby rats living in it) GOT BAPTIZED IN WESLACO THIS WEEK. Made me so happy to see that he was able to make covenants with God! 
- Our friend Gustavo is awesome and this week he expressed a desire to be baptized. He got sick on Saturday from the cold so he wasn't able to make it to church but I love teaching him. He is 83 and just such a gangsta 😆😆😆. When we were leaving his apartment we asked if we could do anything for him and he said "quiero mirar Titanic, me puede ayudar?" Such an awesome guy.
- Lino is incredibly prepared and elect. I think he is just amazing. Pray for him that he will be able to make covenants with God this coming Saturday! I have never met anyone with such pure desires and willingness to change and work to become what he wants to become. Contact with his family has been low because they have been sick but he has been meeting with us multiple times a week, attending church, reading his scriptures and being such a champion. #LinoisAWESOME 
PRAYER IS POWERFUL. This week President advised us to imagine our Heavenly Father standing before us as we pray. I loved this challenge. He truly is standing before us listening to our every word. 
I know Heavenly Father is anxious to bless us and he finds joy when we come to Him in Humble prayer. I challenge you to do something this week that can make your personal prayers more meaningful and powerful. I know you will feel more peace in your life as you improve the quality of your prayers.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringcheese


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