salsa class

 ¿Que onda?

How IDAmigos? Loveyou Guys Ohyeah
- THANKSGIVING was honestly amazing. Probably one of the best Thanksgiving days I have had in my time here on this earth. We started the morning with a TMM family reunion conference! We got to hear from the Larreals and I got to see all my friends from all over the mission. So fun to see them all and hear how they are doing. Also shoutout to our senior missionaries who are legendary and prepared a home cooked Thanksgiving meal for all 200 of us. That is incredible. After the conference we visited a member for dinner and I ate more food than I literally ever have. This sweet Hermana kept bringing me plate after plate. Grateful to have spent the day feeling grateful. 🙂
- I live in an apartment with my companion and also one other companionship. Out of the 4 of us, 2 of us had birthdays this week! On Wednesday, we celebrated Elder Chamberlain's birthday with a 6:45AM mordida and lunch at Rock & Roll Sushi. On Friday it was my awesome companion's birthday! Elder Oli helped me out with getting his mordida during District Council and then we celebrated with a cake after work hours. Very fun and very grateful for the Elders I live with.
- Last week we visited a member named Hermana Miranda and got talking about horchata. I expressed how much I love horchata and asked where I could get the best one in Hidalgo. This week we went over to her home for dinner and she had prepared homemade horchata for us!?! That was just so nice and so thoughtful and tasted very good. 
- We got to help sing in the primary program. No offense to Utah but primary programs in Spanish with 14 kids are elite in my opinion. 
- Our friend Lino is doing very well! He is continuing to progress but we did have to reschedule his baptism for December. He came to church again this week and always answers our calls and texts (which is a very big deal). I am so grateful for the opportunity to know him and be inspired by his spirit and determination to change and become better. He is just one of those people who truly has been prepared to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope you guys can meet him one day!
- We taught a few lessons to the Rodriguez family this week. Now, just a little background... this family has been receiving lessons from the missionaries for years but never truly committed to converting themselves to Christ and His Gospel. Elder Roylance and I decided to check out the situation because it has been some time since their last contact with missionaries. We taught them a few good lessons and I found out that Mireya, the mom, used to be a Salsa dancer. I immediately insisted that she taught me a few moves. Before I knew it, I was doing a very unpolished salsa inside this family's house. Very fun and I think we have totally won them over. We will be going back this week and teaching them a bit more (and if I am lucky some more salsa dancing).
- We were not able to be in contact with our young friends Amy and Kevin this week, they are sick. Pray that they get better! We met a lot of cool people this week who will hopefully want to continue meeting with us and progress in the gospel. We are teaching often and feeling very blessed by Heavenly Father here in Hidalgo!
In the spirit of thanksgiving ... make a special effort this week to be extra grateful in each of your prayers. Tell Heavenly Father how grateful you are for all the blessings he has given you. We are SOOO blessed. 
I am grateful for each one of you. And I am especially grateful for Jesus Christ, my Savior, and Heavenly Father. 💫
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringcheese 


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