"quiero una foto con dos gringos"


A new chapter!
- Monday was one of the worst days of my life!!! I hated saying goodbye to Weslaco. I love it there and am so grateful for the people I met. 
- For those of you that don't know I am now serving in Hidalgo! Some fun facts about this transfer... my new companion is Elder Roylance who is from Fruit Heights, Utah and I think he is awesome; PURO BIKES Y ESPAÑOL 🙏; we are within walking distance of the border (we was trying to comp study at a park but got distracted watching the border guards switch shifts) and I live in an apartment with my trainer, Elder Kumar, and his companion! Crazy stuff but super fun. 
- For dinner one evening a member gave us money and Elder Roylance showed me the coolest little place here called "Rock n Roll Sushi." This restaurant was very cool and to make everything even better, it sits just a few feet off the border 😎. Who knew Hidalgo Texas would have such a vibey little place.
- We had a lesson with our amigo, Javier, and he is very very funny. Javier is from the Dominican Republic and the first thing he said when he opened his door is "un otro gringo!" We then went in and had a great lesson about faith and overcoming trials! However, in the middle of the lesson he looks at me and my companion and says (in Spanish but I will translate for you all) "How is it that you *pointing at me* look more gringo than you *pointing at Elder Roylance* but that you *me* speak better Spanish than you *Elder Roylance*" he went on to tell me that I need to speak with a gringo accent, I mean I think that is a compliment but I am not sure. He is a quirky and funny guy forsure. As we were leaving, he asked for a selfie so that he could have a picture with not one but TWO gringos. 😅
- God prepares His children. Holy COW. We met the most amazing man named Lino this past Wednesday night. I was just riding my bike down the street and he practically approached me. He went on to express a desire to learn, grow and change. Since that point he has met with us 3 times, started reading the Book of Mormon, expressed a desire to be baptized and brought his family with him to church?!? He is incredible. We went by on Sunday morning an hour before church to invite him and he was all dressed and ready (looking like an absolute Legend in his White pants and White collared shirt). They loved church and have even started making some friends in the ward! How awesome is that?
- Met an abuelo named Gustavo last night who asked us to fix his TV. Fortunately, we were able to do as he desired and then showed him a Jesus Christ video on the big screen. We shared with him the video depiction of 3 Nephi 11and he LOVED it. Definitely watch and share these new Book of Mormon videos.
- I am overwhelmed with how good God is. I was very nervous coming into this transfer with a greenie companion, a district to take care of and an area to lead in Spanish. I had an amazing week and none of what I accomplished this week could've been possible without God's help. He definitely qualifies those that He calls. I love teaching in Spanish, I love Elder Roylance and I love my district! I am very happy here. 🙂
Quick New Testament verse for my friends.
Philippians 4:7
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"
Peace is possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He wants us to find peace and joy. I am very grateful for this, especially this week. I have definitely seen how the peace of God has helped me overcome new obstacles and stay calm in stressful times. I encourage you to read Philippians chapter 4 this week. It is a quick chapter and has a lot of good content. 
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringham


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