happy monday my friends 🙂
GOOD:- I was so grateful to get to spend a day with Elder Beazer this week on exchanges! Elder Beazer is super cool and we had such a good time working together. The morning started with service for Sister Meyer, a sweet older woman in our ward. When we showed up without hats she said "Elders... you need hats" and came out with some of the most stylish hats I have ever seen. We have never looked better than when we were destroying the ecosystem that had developed in her backyard. We ate lunch with her at Tacolandia which was amazing but 11/10 straight from Mexico.
- While I was with Elder Beazer, I got to attend the Spanish ward's Noche Mexicana to celebrate the Independence Day of Mexico! It was incredible, the best ward party I have ever been a part of. They all had prepared cultural dances that they performed for us (dance is so cool). Great practice with my spanish and some incredible food and horchata. 
- Valley Dogs hit a new level of wild this week. Check the picture below.
- Elder Oli and I get along and teach together SO well. As we come up on the last week of our 2nd transfer together it seems impossible to imagine missionary work with a different companion. But, all good things must come to an end because Heavenly Father always has more good things lined up for us! I have definitely learned alot from him and gained many skills and perspectives which I will carry with me for a long time. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves... we still got an entire week together!BETTER:- This week we had Stake Conference which means that we got to go to MCALLEN. This was the best day ever because my current ward is actually in the same stake as the McAllen 1st ward so I got to see ALL MY FRIENDS. I cannot begin to tell you how fun it was to be back home, in my old church building and with all my friends from McAllen. 
- Now... the down side of church being in McAllen is that it was extremely difficult to get our new friends to church. We had arranged with Gilbert that he was going to give us a ride to church so we could make sure he made it there but he ended up flaking out on us. (#supernotawesome) Danii wasn't able to make it this week either and Alma and Erasmo didn't pull up either. Long story short, a lot of people decided it was too far away and didn't make it. Super sad but it just gives us more motivation to help them get to church next weekend!
- Found out our friend Lilith's name is actually Lorena so that is super embarrassing. She will most definitely be coming to church this weekend!
- Miracle story of the week. It would actually be too difficult for me to explain the entire story that led up to this event in an email. However, it is incredible so if you are really invested in the story, reach out to me. I would love to share it with you! We met the most amazing family and had a fantastic lesson with them. Now, I have been known for sharing prematurely about people and then finding out they were not actually being quite ready for the gospel but I can say with confidence that this situation is different. We definitely have been led to them and they have accepted us with open arms. Stay tuned, more to come.BEST:Do you ever feel like God is putting you through a lot of difficult things?
Yeah me too.
Nothing in life can be too easy or else it wouldn't be worthwhile. Remember that our very purpose in being sent to this earth is to learn and grow. Heavenly Father has given us a way to overcome our trials and it is through Jesus Christ. My favorite scripture is Ether 12:27 because it always reminds me that if I feel completely incapable and stuck, then I just need to come to Christ and gain power from Him.
If you're struggling that is just a sign that Heavenly Father sees more potential in you, He has more in store for you but has to prepare you with some trials along the way! You guys are awesome, read your scriptures this week."Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringcheese


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