yo soy un abuelo


I have had the most wild week.
But it was also my birthday yesterday and I am simply overwhelmed by the love I felt from friends, family, the TMM and my amazing McAllen 1st ward. I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR ALL YOU!! Thank you for the packages, letters, and messages, I feel so so so loved and just so happy. 
Man I do not even know where to start but let's give it a try...

- Thank you so much for making me feel so loved on my birthday. I am so old. But, this day was so good! The morning started with a phone call from the new President and his wife!! They sang me happy birthday and talked to me for a bit, it made me so happy and made me feel important. The members all wanted me over so we definitely pulled up to 2 dinner appointments (which is fine because fast Sunday) and then also a cake and ice cream appointment. To top it off one of our members called us and said "we need your help moving something TONIGHT! Can you make it?" We went over and it was a prank to get me over there so they could wish me a happy birthday, the members are so incredible here and feel like my family!! When I was brushing my teeth, Elder Kapp got me with the cake so that was awesome. 

- This week we got a referral for a prayer. Elder Mayfield, Elder Kapp and I are like okay bet let's go check it out. So we bike over and knock on the door and ask for Gisselle. Disclaimer: I simply will not be able to do this story justice in an email. Gisselle comes flying out the door out of literally nowhere, plops down in her porch chair, looks at us intently and says "are we gonna talk about Jesus?" We tried to respond but this woman spoke 50mph and started telling us that she was Elvis Presley in the womb...? Weird flex but okay. Then we found out she actually is the reincarnated Joseph Smith... at this point I was already star struck and not even ready to find out this woman was also the Messiah. (She showed us the marks in her hands too) After about 5 minutes of this madness, we offered a quick prayer and got outta there. We definitely had some good laughs about this one.

- The senior missionaries Elder and Sister Griffiths came by and did apartment checks this week and let's just say I finally have a reputation for cleanliness 😎. Check out the screenshotted messages attached between Sister Griffiths and me. Plus, they brought me a Whataburger gift card #goated!!!

- Elder Jensen finished his mission on Tuesday and flew back to South Dakota and let's just say this was a relief for both of us :). He is super awesome but was so ready to go home. So on Tuesday night I had to move into a new apartment and got put into a trio with Elder Mayfield and Elder Kapp! We got to double cover and work as a trio for a week!! This means half of the day we worked McAllen 1A and half the day YSA A. (Plus we got to go to both church services on Sunday) We had so much fun #triosaremejor. We all got so close in just a matter of a few days! It is sad that tomorrow is transfers and I won't be staying with them.

- Just as I got settled into my new apartment, we got a call from one of our Zone Leaders, Elder Snarr. He says "we are doing exchanges tomorrow, Elder Stringham is coming to Edinburg with me." Which is lit because I love Elder Snarr but a little annoying because that meant I had to half pack up my stuff again to go over there for 24 hours. Elder Snarr and I had a blast and worked hard! We decided that we were hoping that at transfers they would just make us companions, but that did not happen either.

- TRANSFER NEWS... I have mixed emotions about transfers. I will be leaving McAllen and I am headed to Weslaco. I am super sad to leave my celestial bike area and the amazing friends I have in McAllen. I remember my dad telling me it would be harder to leave some areas than it would be to leave home, I did not believe him in the slightest. But I have truly come to LOVE McAllen and the people here. I am super sad to put an end on this chapter but excited for the future. THE GOOD NEWS is my area is getting Pink Washed (putting 2 new sisters in) by my good friend Sister Burke and her new trainee!! I totally called this and have been prepping my notes for about 2 weeks. They will be awesome. I also got put into the "Tech Squad" companionship which I have no idea who decided that was a good idea but I guess it might've been God. I am sure I will love it #wahoo. My new companion's name is Elder Oliveria and I can say that after Facebook stalking him, he looks pretty cool. 

- We are so blessed to have received President Larreal and his family this week. They are from Venezuela and have SOOOOO MUCH ENERGY. He is so ready to go out with the elders and she is so ready to go out with the sisters. They have already attended a few baptisms in the mission while being here. With them we will bring the TMM to the next level. I am super excited to meet them in person this week in their mission tour but I already feel such a good vibe from them!


Find someone to show Christlike love to TODAY. The entire point of the gospel of Jesud Christ is to help us become better people. Get outside and love your neighbor! This is your friendly reminder to be less focused on yourself and more aware of those around you, we are all children of God!

"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude"

- Elder Stringerham
(Yup one of the YSA kids has been calling me this all week)


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