
 Hey everyone,

Heavenly Father loves you
- Elder Ollie and I hit up Granny's again this week and it did NOT disappoint. Pictures attached below but check out how we splurged and went for the $3.00 option instead of the $1.50 one. It was 10x more incredible. If you ever find yourself in the odd city of Weslaco TX, you must check out Grandma's Snow Wiz on Airport Rd.
- That brings me to my next point... WESLACO is getting weirder and weirder. Also, the dogs here are definitely possessed and being used by the adversary to hinder the work. Had a few dog chases this week which I was #straightupnotdownfor. We do be working in Mexican pueblitos in the US. It is super hard to describe what this place is like so I guess you will just have to come and check it out!
- We had dinner with the Tech Squad sisters and a member family this week! As the carne was getting cooked up, little Betty (who probably is about 9 years old) pulled us aside and taught us a dance. THIS GIRL WENT OFF. Like where is Kyle Hanagami when you need him?!? We have some videos but Sister Carson made me promise I wouldn't include them in my weekly sooooo, if you want to see them, reach out to me hahaha. 
BETTER:- EXCHANGES W ZL'S!! I got to go to their area and work with Elder Beazer and MAN... we had thee most celestial day of missionary work I have ever had. Every single plan that was made went through. We had breakfast with a member family who started throwing referrals at us after our mini-lesson on the restoration, had some awesome street contacts, set a progressing friend on baptismal date, found some new people to teach through people they are currently teaching and had the most FIRE lesson ever to end the night. During the last lesson of the night, the spirit was SO strong as I explained the first vision to our friend, he is now praying about a baptismal date and reading the Book of Mormon to gain a witness of it! How awesome!! Elder Beazer and I worked very well together and I had so much fun learning from him. Also, it was such a blessing to be in a Spanish area and get to use my Spanish ALL DAY. Hopefully my next area will be a Spanish one :)
- We had a Zone Conference this week with President Larreal. This man has so much energy. By the end of the conference we all felt a little bit like we had just stepped off "The Hulk" coaster at Universal Studios. (If you know, you know) This man goes 110mph and is just the most excited to be a mission president here in the great TMM. We got a lot of great council from President and his wife about keeping our missionary work simple and purposeful, just like the gospel is simple and purposeful. I also got to see my friends Elder Searle and Elder Rahm from the good old CCM days. So happy to see them doing good and becoming such beast missionaries! 
- Lost contact with Jacob this week, guess he isn't quite ready yet. Todo va a estar bien.
- Elder Ollie and I worked so hard this week, Heavenly Father just does not have it in His plans for us to find anyone to teach quite yet. We came in contact with some AWESOME people and sent off a HUGE PILE of referrals to the missionaries in the Spanish wards! There are definitely people who have been prepared and are so ready for the gospel. The only thing is we, as the "english ward missionaries", can't teach them beyond first contact, but we still have faith and are still working hard! Keep praying for us!
I have an amazing little book called "Daily Joy" that I am sure many of you have either heard of or have your own copy of. It is a collection of ideas from President Russell M. Nelson and man he is amazing. This week one that really struck me was a page titled...
This is so profound. Oftentimes in our lives we think we know best and are so focused on explaining why we are correct that we don't even listen to those around us, this includes Heavenly Father. We must remember each day that the greatest people... are the ones who listen with humility to their family, friends and Heavenly Father. Our loving Heavenly Father will ALWAYS listen to us, so doesn't it just make sense that we should listen to Him too? This week learn to listen and listen to learn. 
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
I love you all so much, listen to a Dermot Kennedy song for me
- Elder Stringjamon


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