a technology specialist who can't work his car

 Hey everyone!

Lots of changes this week. New Mission President. New Companion. New Area. New Apartment. New Responsibilities. 
- I had to say my final goodbyes to McAllen on Monday which was the hardest day of my mission so far! I am going to miss the amazing people I have met there and I definitely already miss biking past the beautiful McAllen temple every day. On Monday, we visited the Villanueva family who insisted that we sit and eat dinner with them before we left (I mean look at them, you can't say no). We also visited Sister Tamez who is the sweetest woman in Texas, she told me "I admire you deeply ...you will be greatly missed. Heavenly Father is so proud of you." I cannot forget to mention that we went to visit the Joen's family, some of my literal favorite humans ever. They surprised me with a cake and also by destroying me with silly string as a late birthday celebration. It was the closest thing I have ever gotten to a surprise party and I was not disappointed. My one week in a trio with Elder Mayfield and Elder Kapp was SO fun and I was sad to see that chapter cut short. I LOVE MCALLEN!!!!!
- The good news is, I have been blessed to be placed with an amazing new companion (about time) (wait I probably shouldn't say that) (#whoops). His name is Elder Oliveira Martins and he is originally from Portugal. His family is currently living in Florida and he is literally fluent in Spanish, Portuguese and English. More important than that, he is a hard worker, understands his purpose and we get along great!!! Tech squad is already teaching me so much, so far it has just been a ton of coordination and communication. I have been told that this coming week is when our responsibilities really start to pick up so we will see how that goes. It is fun because we spend a lot of time on video chats and in meetings with the Tech Squad sisters (one of them is literally a carbon copy of my friend Anika back home) and we all get along great! This area has 10 recent converts and great momentum that we are hoping to keep pushing forward with!
- The Griffiths, our mission housing coordinators, came to my new apartment this week and said "Can we hire you to move into each apartment in the mission for one week at a time? Then they would all be clean!" I think it is safe to say I am quickly becoming one of Sister Griffith's favorite missionaries.
- YOU GUYS I MISS MY BIKE. Cars are hard to work and I feel like I am in the driver's ed again. Elder Oli is constantly joking with me about not being able to work the car. I mean the AC is nice and all but it truly makes me sad that my bike has just been chilling in the closet for the entire past week. 
- COOL EXPERIENCE!  So, I don't remember if I included this in my email about 7 weeks ago but, Elder Jensen and I met this super awesome lady out street contacting her name was Maria, who immediately got emotional and asked us to come back and share our message with her.. Because she spoke only Spanish, we had a pass-off lesson with Elder Weber and Elder Lamborn who covered our area in Spanish. This week I pull up to our weekly zone meeting and start talking with Elder Weber. MARIA is on date to be baptized after weeks of receiving lessons and reading the Book of Mormon. It is so cool that Elder Jensen and I were in the correct place at the correct time to find this woman who so desperately needed the gospel in her life. I was so happy to hear she has been progressing super well.
- This week in Weslaco we did a lot of teaching! Elder Oli got Emergency Transferred into this area just a few weeks ago so we are both trying to figure out what is going on here. Everyone is still in very early stages of progression so I will wait until next week to share specific experiences with you but I know God is leading us and helping us to see miracles each day. Our schedule for next week is already full and we are so ready to find those who are searching for more in their life. Also, Elder Oli and I already have great teaching unity which is a great blessing, we are on the same page and know how to yield to one another.
- Weslaco is NOT McAllen. This place is literally like North Mexico :). The area is super spread out and has rural vibez which is a 180 switch from my last area in McAllen. We visited some questionable homes this week and met some characters. We did lots of service for members trying to develop relationships with them so we can work through our members (I love doing service but man one hour is simply not enough to clean up some of these yards). Lots of good is ahead for us in Weslaco. I am so excited to be here.
This week we had interviews with President Larreal!!! He is super cool. Speaks very little English which I am so down for because I have to use my Spanish to communicate with him. The council he shared with me I want to share with all of you!! I was discussing with him some of the challenges I am personally facing as a missionary and things that are difficult for me. He looked at me, with so much love and concern, and told me the things I was experiencing are normal. He then said in his thick accent "Sometimes you have to wipe your tears and move on." 
What my President brought to my attention is that we cannot dwell on our concerns or worries. Heavenly Father does not want us to dwell on anything and that is why He gave us His son Jesus Christ. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, everything can be made whole again, and as we move forward with faith... everything will work out. 
When your days seem dark and you feel sick to your stomach. Take a moment to feel angry, sad, worried or whatever it is you need to feel. BUT after that, wipe your tears and move forward. Keep moving forward and keep trusting in God. He loves you and wants you to be happy.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
-Elder Stringham 


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