Careful what ya wish for

 Hola!!! Como están??

It has been a crazy week. 
Lots of new. Lots of adjusting.

Side note, if you're reading this - God loves you.

- This week while out trying to visit some former investigators I had a traumatic experience. Usually what happens is first we try knocking their door a few times and if we do not get an answer we call their phone number and see if we can get in contact with them that way. I called this guy named Victor (oh btw I have the sim card now and it is SOOOOO nice to be in charge of our missionary communications). Victor did not answer so I thought it might be a good idea to leave a voicemail. Yeah that was not a good idea. It started off great but then halfway through I decided I wanted to start over. Background info... we use Facebook messenger often to reach new people and when you trip over your words you can just start over and try again, so this is what I am used to. Unfortunately you cannot stop and start over in a voicemail. So here I am, nervously beat boxing as I try to figure out what to do, after about 15 seconds of anxious half words I managed to get out a normal sentence and finish off the voicemail professionally. So, I don't think we will be hearing from Victor soon.

- Elder Jensen managed to get 2 flat tires this week and we did not even drive on 6th street. On Sunday and Friday evenings we were walking elders and let me tell ya... walking is 10/10 worse than biking. I actually love biking. But just toasting under the sun with nothing but your 2 legs is not the vibe.

- I am sure you all want the new companion update. Elder Jensen is from South Dakota and he finishes his mission June 29, literally mid transfer. He knows the scriptures super well and I know I can learn alot from him. However, it has actually been a very tough week! When I was with Elder Kumar, sometimes I felt we were so obedient to every little rule and working so hard I could not ever enjoy myself... but now I would love it if my companion could obey the rules and work hard. Careful what ya wish for ;). He is definitely just ready to be done and go home, BUT this is such a good opportunity for me to learn how to act as a senior companion, while I am a junior companion. Definitely going to be a transfer of growth.

- Paul is doing well and I know he will progress to baptism soon! He came to church for a 3rd time, we had 2 lessons with him, he is reading the Book of Mormon daily and he is slowly but surely putting off old habits through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He doesn't have a date right now but when he feels he has resolved his few issues, he is ready! We love Paul! Keep him in your prayers.

- We found some new friends this week that I think are gonna stick around for a bit. Gian Carlo and Naomi are married and have 2 little boys! We have had 2 lessons with them and they both have gone great! Gian Carlo is really into the Bible but super open to learning about the Book of Mormon and Naomi is just happy to have us sharing the gospel with her family. The entire family joined us for church this week which was amazing! We are definitely going to continue teaching them.

- THE TEXAS MCALLEN MISSION is incredible. In the month of May we had a mission goal of helping 100 souls come unto Christ through baptism #MayWeHave100. We found out last night that not only did we meet our goal... we surpassed it. In our mission, in the last month, we helped 104 children of God make covenants with their Heavenly Father. We are going to be ready for the temple!!!


A story I have been studying this week is in 1 Nephi 17. This is the story of Nephi being commanded to build a ship and Laman and Lemuel thinking he is foolish for believing this is possible.

I love the way Nephi responds when commanded to build a ship. He immediately says...

"And I said: Lord, whither shall I go that I may find ore to molten, that I may make tools to construct the ship after the manner which thou hast shown unto me?"

There was no doubt, no "Are you sure Heavenly Father?" It was purely a faithful reply of "okay, how do I do it." We all should strive to be faithful and trust in the plan because as we learn later in the chapter "If God had commanded me to do all things I could do them." When we are commanded to do something, He will always provide a way. It is only contingent on our faith and action.

"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."

- Your favorite Elder 


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