¡No Hay Músculos¡!

 Hello! Hi! Hola! 

What. A. Week. So many amazing opportunities to learn and grow this week!
- Last Monday, after P-Day hours, Elder Kumar and I were out visiting some inactive members. We came across the Guevera Family. They had a new oven sitting outside their home and asked if we could lift it inside. Unfortunately we could not... guess I gotta improve my daily workout routine. But it was so funny because Hermana Guevera just kept smiling at us and saying "¡No Hay Músculos¡!" or basically "there are no muscles!" Kinda rough on the self esteem but está bien.
- Elder Kumar decided we have to actually wear the safety vests while riding our bikes from now on. I am thrilled about it. So catch me sporting a spicy lightning yellow vest every single day.
- We had a visit with a man named Ramiro. He is a member but due to health conditions he cannot usually make it to church. He is in a wheelchair, is mostly blind and going deaf. Honestly impressed in him for doing what he can. We went over for a dinner appointment and he had set out 2 plastic bowls filled with potato chips, one for each of us. I was touched by this humble expression of love for the missionaries. He doesn't have a lot but what he could give, he gave. He loves the Book of Mormon and even though he has to use a special machine to enlarge the words so he can read it, he puts in the effort, and the Lord loves effort. When we went to leave we said "I am gonna hug you guys because nobody hugs me these days" ... it was the most pure little statement. Lesson here is to look out for those around you and love everyone!
- The Rio Grande Valley is beautiful but the best part of it is definitely the temple! It is so gorgeous, and biking past it is always a highlight. It is definitely one of my 3 favorite temples in terms of appearance. 
- We had Zone Conference at the beginning of this week which I really enjoyed! I loved getting to see Elder Searle/Cereal from my district at the CCM! I also really loved hearing from president and his wife, they are so cool! The main focus of zone conference was how we can find enduring joy in our lives and how our hardships help us become all that we can be. One of the Hermanas shared the idea that "if you are seeing more of your weaknesses, that probably means you are coming closer to Christ." Isn't that a cool idea? The more we aware of our weaknesses, the more we can see our desire to become like the Savior and become our best selves.
- I definitely saw a few miracles this week. Here is one. There is a 20 year old inactive member named Alexander. Last time Elder Kumar visited him in January, he was not in a good spot and not making righteous choices. We felt prompted to visit again so we went by and were thrilled to learn he has come unto Christ again. Since that last visit he had a deep desire to repent and be better. Reading the Book of Mormon, singing instead of going out with his friends and acknowledging God in all he does. He said with a smile "I feel so good now, and I am sharing the gospel with my friends!" Isn't that cool, we always can come back!
- We are on the finding grind. Talking with everyone, getting to know our members, and revisiting people who used to meet with the missionaries. The Vaughan family is still good but we were not able to get them to watch conference with us despite MANY, MANY, MANY efforts to do so. I would love to be teaching more but sometimes it is just time to find haha. We will continue to work with our friends the Vaughan family and use all our resources to find God's other children who need this gospel, but pray for us!
GENERAL CONFERENCE was so amazing.
Please send me what your favorite talk was and why! I would love to hear!
My favorite talk had to be Elder Uchtdorf's talk on consecrating ourselves that he gave in the Sunday Afternoon session. He likened becoming consecrated to riding a bike, which resonated with me though I am not sure why... jajaja. He said something like IT TAKES PRACTICE, IT TAKES PERSISTANCE AND YOU WILL FAIL AT TIMES.
Isn't that true for all we face in life?? It is the same for consecrating ourselves. While difficult, it is important that we remain persistent in our efforts to give ourselves completely to this great work of helping others come unto Christ. Christ is always satisfied with our efforts when we never give up and keep striving to be better and become more consecrated.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude, and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringham 


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