Locked and Loaded


Wanna hear something crazy?!? One whole transfer done. Consider my mission already 1/16 in the past... soooo we still got plenty of time to serve, but cool to reach a checkpoint.
- Last night we got transfer calls. Elder Kumar and I will both be staying together in McAllen 1A! I am looking forward to another transfer in temple town and learning from Elder Kumar!
- Wednesday was quite literally 106 DEGREES. I do not really know what got me through that afternoon on my bike. You could literally feel the sun baking your skin, it was a blast. Funny enough we were actually quite successful on Wednesday because everyone wanted to give us water which allowed us to talk with lots of people. My watch tan line is getting more and more defined everyday.
- As always we had some memorable, different and weird experiences. An inactive member named Nancy invited us into her house, showed us how to load a bullet with her "Hornady Lock and Load" and then let us try. That was pretty cool not gonna lie. Guess when I get home I need to work at Red Dot. We received a record of a past investigator named Jose, so we went over. He invited us in and we started discussing the restoration. About half way through, the man stood up and said "come see my room." Skeptically, we followed and beheld a shrine to The Virgin Mary and the cross. He gave us keychains with Mary on them and showed us his "show truck" before we left. I do not even have the words to explain what a weird encounter this was, we could not help but laugh as soon as we said goodnight to him and left.
- We had so many opportunities for service this week! To start, we got to participate in "The Great American Cleanup" put on by the Keep McAllen Beautiful committee. There were over 400 volunteers (most of whom were missionaries #represent) who all spent our Saturday morning cleaning up the streets and parks of this beautiful city. But, even more fulfilling than an organized service project is spontaneous service. This week we were leaving a member meal when we saw a lady outside and went to talk to her. Next thing we knew we had helped Silvia cleanup her entire yard. We spent about an hour and a half with Silvia. We spoke to her about our beliefs and got her contact information to visit her soon! She also told me I have "such beautiful eyes" so that was definitely a highlight jaja.
- For our zone meeting this Wednesday we did something totally different. We were told to meet at the chapel in my area and bring our bikes. When we got there the Zone Leaders announced we were going to "Blitz" Elder Kumar and I's area! Basically this means all 9 companionships hopped on their bikes and went out in my area to find the people who are looking for greater light in their life. We were blessed with so much new contact information and are so grateful to the entire zone for helping us find people in our area!
- I got to go on exchanges with Elder Bird this week! Elder Bird is my District Leader and he works in the YSA area right now. This was so fun because I got to attend institute and interact with members, investigators and other people my own age. During connection time before institute, my new friend Diego taught me a few basketball skills. I still am an embarrassment on the court but está bien. Elder Bird taught me the importance of ALWAYS staying humble and learning from everyone and every situation, he is such a cool guy!
- Keep praying for the Vaughan family! Little progress this week but we love them. We also picked up some new investigators this week and were actually able to give some lessons! 
- In our chapel we have a large rockwall behind the pulpit. During sacrament meeting I was marveling at the size and strength the wall had. Truth is, each rock by itself is nothing incredible but when built up and combined, the wall is firm and immovable. This reminded me of a scripture I love.
ALMA 37:6
6 Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise
It truly is by SMALL and SIMPLE that we become all that we can be. Focus on one thing at a time and over time you will see major growth and results.
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringham


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