Attack on lululemon

 ¡Feliz Pascua mis amigos! 

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend and took a moment to remember Jesus Christ and what He has done for us. He is so incredible, I love Him so much.
- I do not know where to begin with this week. We had a wonderful day of 107 degrees on Wednesday but almost worse than that was the humidity on Saturday. I just need you all to understand that I am always sweating. My clothes are literally damp all day long. This always makes me feel bad during the dinner appointments, lessons and any time we are in people's homes because I know I stink so bad but there is literally nothing I can do about it. The best part is we are just getting started, I am reminded everyday by the members that summers just get more and more intense. One day while out in the hot and humid city of McAllen, I said to Elder Kumar "I am still getting used to the humility." While my intention was to say humidity, I left the sentence at that because both statements are true.
- Went to go visit our friend Christina this week. We did not find Christina. But we did find a giant Disney princess bouncey house. Unfortunately, we did not go inside but we did take some quick pictures in front of it. People here are always having fun.
- I am the most accident-prone person I know. This week while out biking, we were traveling to our dinner appointment which was 15 minutes across town, peddling against the wind. We got on our bikes from the appointment, we were just at and not 30 seconds into the journey, I had cut open my arm and was bleeding 🥰. IT HAD TO BE THE DAY I WAS WEARING MY LULU SHIRT. Definitely got blood on my best shirt. For those of you wondering how this happened... essentially there was this big bush in the path which had a bunch of yellow flowers but also a bunch of thorns. However, I did not know about the thorns, so I am thinking "It's alright the flowers can brush up against me, shouldn't be a big deal." Yeah I was wrong. Awkward to show up to dinner covered in blood, sweat and tears. (Jokes there were no tears) (Usually)
- Ward Easter party was super fun. We had tamales which made me feel like I was in Coco so that was pretty fun for me. It was also super cool because 3 new families we had never met just showed up because they saw the ad on Facebook! Unfortunately they were all either Spanish speakers so we had to refer them to the Spanish ward (one day I will get to be in a Spanish area) or refused to give us their contact information. But at least they had a positive experience with the Church and know they are welcome.
- The YSA branch has a recent convert named Alex who lives in our area. Knowing he was a part member family, Elder Kumar and I decided to visit. Alex's mom, Judith Benter, was super nice! She insisted that we played Lotería with her and not to flex but I definitely won and even got a popsicle as a prize. Anyways, we were to talk with her about the temple and eternal families and set a return appointment with them!
- After 2 weeks of not any communication with the Vaughan Family, we had a conversation with Alison and Michael. We stopped by their home and knelt down outside telling Heavenly Father we know this family has a need and we want to help them but we needed to have contact with them. We knocked and Alison opened the door!! Their parents were gone so we just spoke on their porch, but they were excited to see us and said they had been reading the Book of Mormon stories together! We left feeling such joy!!
- A little milagro from this week. We started receiving a bunch of information about former investigators through our area book system. We found ourselves with a huge list of new names. We decided to visit a guy named Paul. Paul is from Mexico, has 15 grandkids and lives alone in a little apartment that works great for him. He answered the door with nothing but pajama sweats and a chain necklace on. We introduced ourselves and he invited us in right away, no hesitation. We had an incredible lesson with him, set a return appointment, gave him a Book of Mormon, committed him to start reading it AND last night he asked us if he could come to our church next week. There is power in the former investigators!
- We have to be praying. Prayer is so incredible. This is one way we can speak with our Heavenly Father at any place and in any time. This is how we reach direction, feel of His love and grow closer to Him. If you are praying, I challenge you to make your prayers more intimate and personal with Heavenly Father and if you're not praying well, I can promise you that simply praying gives us access to Heaven's power and helps us be instruments in God's hands.
I love you guys!
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."
- Elder Stringham


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