McAllen feels like home already. I would be lying if I said this week was easy, but it was a good one. 
-  My last few days in the CCM were long and travel day was the worst. So sad to say goodbyes, especially to Hermana Wanlass. CCM rules made it so we couldn't hug or anything so we shook hands, cried in the middle of a crowd of missionaries, and said "see you soon." Gonna miss her but I am so proud of her!! We left the CCM the next morning at 2:00AM and arrived in McAllen around 3:00PM. I came in with a big group of newbies (18 of us!) We spent the first night in the AP and STL homes and then were sent our individual ways the next morning.
- My trainer is named Elder Kumar and he has been out in the mission since August. He is from Fresno, California but then his family moved to Clearfield, Utah. So when people ask where we are from we both say "Utah" and then they really know who we are HAHAHA.
- I got assigned to the McAllen 1A Zone which is the heart of the mission. I live 2 minutes from the mission office, 5 minutes from the mission president's home and we even have the temple in our zone. This zone is referred to as "Temple Town" within the missionaries.
- Another perk of the McAllen 1A Zone is that it is 100% bikes. My companion and I do not even have access to a car. We ride bikes everyday. All day. And I love it!
-  This area has a TON of amazing members, and if you live here and aren't a member of this church you are deeply rooted in another Christian or Catholic church. This is a blessing because everyone you meet is literally celestial, the nicest, most welcoming and always willing to talk about religion and Jesus Christ. This is a curse because most everyone has a church that they love and a belief they are firm in. 
- Like I said, the people here are awesome. Some of my favorite moments have been: the sweetest 95 year old woman singing a song about Jesus in Spanish to us, giving Alicia a Book of Mormon and seeing the curiosity and excitement in her eyes, meeting the Gonzales family and talking all about dance conventions because they own a studio that travels and then having them ask if I could teach for them while I am here (not sure if that is allowed but sounds like a service opportunity to me), member meals every single night, talking with Arnold about Jesus Christ as he sipped his cold beer and said he needed to go to church again, saying a prayer to bless the home of Christina and her family because she is in a new home and wanted to make sure it was a safe for her family to grow up. There are seriously so many more people and cool experiences just in these few days. Everyday has a new opportunity and experience.
- My first Sunday in McAllen was stake conference! Super dope right? Got to hear from President and his wife along with other speakers too, it was a good meeting.
- I have loved studying the life of Christ more this week. One of my favorite stories is when Christ calms the storm and the seas. The apostles came to Christ in fear while he slept on the boat. Christ responded by saying...
"Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith" Matthew 8:26
I love this. Christ asks us to trust Him, in all things and in all places. Even if we are being put through life's most difficult storms and we think Christ has fallen asleep on us, He is always there. I know that we are going to have to live through storms but those are the times we need faith. Christ is there, he died so we can make it through the storms. Stay strong this week! Send me a quick message if you need anything.
- Elder Stringham
"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."



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