Fire in the Hole


Oh my goodness, it has been a WEEK lemme tell ya about it...

- I don't know if I would call this "Good" but it is an important update. This week a cold front blew into McAllen and I was freezing all week, crazy right? Last week, I was #chillin in the heat and this week I wore 2 sweaters and still was cold. Mostly, what is rough is the wind + the cold + the bikes. One day it was hot when we left so I didn't bring a sweater but then it got cold and my short sleeve button up was not cutting it. We had a lesson that night with an investigator but some of our members, Brother and Sister James, joined us. Sister James let me wear her sweater for the bike ride home and I was SO grateful for that. It was not my normal style, but I made it work.

- We got to do some service this week with a member named AJ. He was cool but I seriously think this man has never thrown away anything in his life. When he opened his garage it took everything in me to not ask if he wanted help organizing the mess inside. And of course the backyard was the same situation. We helped him install an AC unit and he was very grateful for our help. Get out and serve your neighbors!!

- Member meals here GO OFF. No joke. I live in the same ward as all the senior missionary couples and all the people working on the temple so they always spoil us. I love being in the members' homes and getting to know them, they are all super awesome!

- This week I had my first exchange! I got to spend a day with Elder Tufts. Elder Tufts is from Bountiful, went to WX (so my family probably likes him more than me haha), has been out on his mission for 19 months AND he leaves for his original assignment in Spain this week! He knows alot and is a good missionary, I learned so much from him and enjoyed changing things up for a bit.

- Other notable moments were: meeting "Antique Bob" whose front yard looks like a museum of trash, getting some good banana bread from a sweet lady we visited, doing a facebook live about Christ's role in repentance called "Fire in the Hole", having the nicest family insist on purchasing the donuts we were buying for the livestream analogy, having an epic bike crash in the rain that cut open my pants, hands and chin. We love to see it, missionary work is always an adventure.

- This week I have truly seen God's hand and experienced some honest miracles. On Wednesday, during exchanges, Elder Tufts and I were headed to the church to meet a member for dinner. When we pulled up on our bikes there was a couple parked outside working on their car. We rode up to them and asked if we could help. They said no but then we started talking to them. Come to find out they had been praying about how to join a church all week, their car broke down right in front of OUR church building and Elder Tufts and I pulled up right after. This woman, Anabelle, was overcome with emotion. Crying, hugging us, telling us how she wants a better life for her and her kids. It was one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever been a part of. After a mini lesson on God's love for his children, she asked excitedly, "How do I get baptized?" WHATTTT NO WAYYY. It was crazy. Pray for Anabelle, Adrian and their 3 children that they will remember how they felt this night and continue to have a desire to be baptized.

- One night, Elder Kumar asked me to lead on the bikes to a member we were going to go check up on. I got us so lost. No joke there were 7 moments where I stopped and realized we were going the wrong way, mega frustrating. This however, led us to another miracle! We came across two men outside their apartment named Polo and Tony. Tony and Polo were SO down to hear our message and expressed that Tony needs help in his life so he can be a better son to Polo and a better father to his kids. We set a return appointment, came back and they were there! Polo kept saying "this is not a coincidence that we met you guys." We proceeded to teach about the gospel of Jesus Christ and Tony asked if we could help him get baptized!!!?!? Miracles upon miracles. Later Elder Kumar said "It's amazing because if I was leading that night we would never have come across Polo and Tony." They flaked out on our appointment on Friday so I guess everything in opposition. We are praying we can get him to baptism and help him make covenants with God!

- We have been teaching an investigator named Nelida, and she is elect. We got a referral from one of our members at the beginning of this week and have taught her twice since then. She is full of good questions, righteous desires and knowledge. Nelida has been reading the BOM all week so my hat is off to her. Again, we are just praying that she can develop a true desire and testimony because we know we can't make Nelida do anything. But she is headed in a good direction and we are giving her as many spiritual tools as we can!

- This week I have been studying an address called "The Fourth Missionary." I am sure some of you have read it. It is SO SO good.

Here is a quick quote from it...
"The purpose and central blessing of life is to change. It is to be changed to become more like Jesus Christ. It is to incorporate into your character, the qualities of His character."

LOVE IT. Our entire reason for being here is to change. To become better every single day. Remember what is most important! Pick a Christlike attribute this week and seriously focus on it. My choice is Charity and Love! 

Have a week full of miracles.

"Work Hard, Keep the Commandments, Have a Positive Attitude and Show Gratitude."

- Your FAVORITE Elder


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