My Farewell

 My Farewell was on Sunday, January 9th at noon at our Stake Center in Layton. It was so fun to have SO many people attend. I was grateful for all the love and support.  We had a TON of food including some of my favorites - GK's chicken balls and sauce, little smokies, corn salsa and chips, homemade oreos, Fruity Pebble rice crispy treats (YUM!) and lots of other goodies and salads.

Courtney, Emily, Fisher, Me, Megan and Lindsey

Me with my mom and dad

Me & Em

Me & Em

Me with Grandpa John and GramHam

Me with Grandpa Ray and GK

Me & Megan

Me with Grandma GG Johnson

Me with Krissie Edwards and Nikole Black

Me and Em with Savannah


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